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Database for rare BRAF mutations in melanoma patients

Welcome to our database platform for rare BRAF mutations in melanoma patients

For patients with BRAF-V600 mutated melanoma, targeted therapy with BRAF/MEK inhibitors is a standard of care. For the most common class I mutations, namely BRAF-V600E and K mutations, we know the probability of response to therapy and the median duration of response.

For rare BRAF mutations that activate the MAPK pathway, such as other BRAF V600 or non-V600 class 2 and 3 mutations, current knowledge is mainly based on case series.

With this database, we want to make the knowledge for targeted therapy of rare BRAF mutations up-to-date and accessible to every practitioner.

We provide two key tools for this purpose:

  • Treatment Outcome Tool for Patients with Rare BRAF-Mutated Melanoma:
    Use this database to access treatment response information for specific rare BRAF mutations.
  • Report Form for Treatment Outcome in Melanoma Patients with rare BRAF mutation:
    Help us continually update and expand the database with your treatment results by submitting anonymized information about the progress and response to treatment of your patients with rare BRAF mutations.

Your support will help us to continuously improve treatment options for affected patients.

⚠ Notice:
This platform and the information provided is intended for healthcare professionals only.

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