Research Clinical and…

Clinical and experimental audiology



Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Hoth




Prof. Dr. med. Ingo Baumann; Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Mark Praetorius (head of Sektion Neurootologie)



Further members

Dipl.-Ing. Elisabeth Munk; Dipl.-Päd. Sascha Roder; IT Holger Rupp-Waibel

Christine Betker; Erika Hecker; Susanne Lehmann; Linda Mohr; Mehrdad Nouri; Karin Vogel; Marion Wendlandt




The scientific activity of the Audiological Unit is focused on new approaches in the diagnostics and treatment of hearing disorders and their realization in a practical and clinical environment. Traditionally, the objective methods for hearing assessment play a central roll in this context. The common aim of the projects consists in the improvement of the security in the objective and differentiated description of hearing disorders, especially regarding the early detection of hearing loss in earliest childhood, the prevention of noise damage of the inner ear, the detection and description of neural and central functional deficits of the auditory system and the treatment of the impaired ear with implantable hearing systems.