Clinical trials in patients with recurrent glioblastoma ( WHO grade IV)
This is a list of clinical trials offered to patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma at the time of diagnosis.
- AP-12009-G004: Multicenter, controlled, randomised parallel-group study evaluating safety and efficacy of two dose levels of AP 12009 in patients with recurrent malignant glioma.
Status: active, not recruiting, results pending
- Multicenter randomised phase III study of Enzastaurin versus Lomustin (CCNU) for patients with recurrent glioblastoma
Status: not active, accrual suspended @ 267 patients, results pending
- TransMID: A multicenter phase II study of intratumoral/interstitial TransMID versus standard therapy in patients with recurrent glioblastoma
Status: not active, accrual suspended, results pending
- A multicenter, open-label, one-arm phase II study evaluating efficacy of Glivec® (Imatinib Mesylat) plus Litalir® (Hydroxyurea) in patients with recurrent glioblastoma
Status: not active, accrual completed, results pending
- Dose-intensified rechallenge with temozolomide One Week On One Week Off versus Three Weeks On One Week Off: a randomised study (DIRECTOR).
Status: accrual open in the first quarter of 2008
Site Heidelberg: Principal investigator
- Open-label, multicenter phase I/II study of Pazopanib in combination with Lapatinibin patients with recurrent malignant glioma
Status: not active, accrual start planned in the second quarter of 2008