Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Groups Working Groups Epi WS1415

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Heidelberg Epidemiology Seminar Series

(Ringvorlesung Epidemiologie)

Tuesdays, 5:15 pm , INF 327, SR 1 

Winter term 2014/2015   

Date Name Title
28.10.2014 Tilman Kühn, DKFZ Heidelberg Are we missing the boat with BMI? Obesity and chronic disease risks in the EPIC study and beyond
11.11.2014 Silja Bühler, University of Zürich Immunogenicity and safety of vaccinations in immune‐compromised persons- A cohort study
02.12.2014 Renée Turkansi Fortner, DKFZ Heidelberg Early pregnancy sex steroids and maternal breast cancer
16.12.2014 Olaf Müller, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health Evaluation of the effects of ITN interventions on malaria morbidity and mortality in Burkina Faso
20.01.2015 Nicholas Henschke, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health

The epidemiology of pain conditions

03.02.2015 Florian Neuhann, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health The End of AIDS perspective and the current epidemiological status


Elke Braun‐van der Hoeven, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health, Tel: 06221‐56‐4067,
Email: elke.braun@uni‐heidelberg.de

PD Dr. Sabine Gabrysch, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health, Tel: 06221‐56‐5086,
Email: sabine.gabrysch@uni‐heidelberg.de