Working Groups
- Climate Change and Health Intervention
- Climate Change, Nutrition and Health
- Climate Change, Migration and Health
- Heidelberg Planetary Health Hub (Hei-Planet)
- Climate-smart Health Systems
- Design and implementation research in global health
- Digital Global Health
- Disease Control in Disadvantaged Populations
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Epidemiology of Transition
- FAIR and ethical data and sample reuse
- Field Epidemiology Research in German Public Health
- Global Child Health
- Global Health and Economics Research Group
- Global Health Diagnostics
- Global Health Policies and Systems
- Health Economics and Health Financing
- Implementation research for prevention and disease control
- Injury Epidemiology and Prevention
- Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
- Non-communicable disease (NCD) in LMICs
- Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Implementation Research
- Oral Health
- Planetary Child Health
- Science Communication
- Vector Borne Diseases and Geo Health
15. Heidelberger Ringvorlesung Epidemiologie
Wintersemester 2006/2007
Dienstag, 16 c.t. , INF 306, SR 13
Datum | Name | Thema |
24.10.2006 | Becher, Heidelberg | The Effect of Passive smoking on mortality in Germany |
07.11.2006 | Becker, DKFZ | Epidemiologische Aspekte der Früherkennung beim Zervixkarzinom |
21.11.2006 | Pischon, Potsdam | Adipositas und Biomarker für Herz-/Kreislauferkrankungen |
05.12.2006 | Müller, Heidelberg | From epidemiological research to policy and implementation: the case of malaria in Africa |
19.12.2006 | Zeeb, Mainz | Health research at WHO: Topics, strategies, examples |
16.01.2007 | Kaaks, Heidelberg | Hormones and cancer |
30.01.2007 | Schwarz, Tübingen | Toxikologische Schlussweisen zur Toxizität oder Kanzerogenität von Substanzen |
13.02.2007 | Sauerborn, Heidelberg | Demographic surveillance in developing countries |
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Medizinische Fakultät:
Abteilung Tropenhygiene und öffentl. Gesundheitswesen: Becher
Abteilung Klinische Sozialmedizin: Diepgen
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum:
Abteilung Klinische Epidemiologie: Chang-Claude, Becker
Working Groups
- Climate Change and Health Intervention
- Climate Change, Nutrition and Health
- Climate Change, Migration and Health
- Heidelberg Planetary Health Hub (Hei-Planet)
- Climate-smart Health Systems
- Design and implementation research in global health
- Digital Global Health
- Disease Control in Disadvantaged Populations
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Epidemiology of Transition
- FAIR and ethical data and sample reuse
- Field Epidemiology Research in German Public Health
- Global Child Health
- Global Health and Economics Research Group
- Global Health Diagnostics
- Global Health Policies and Systems
- Health Economics and Health Financing
- Implementation research for prevention and disease control
- Injury Epidemiology and Prevention
- Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
- Non-communicable disease (NCD) in LMICs
- Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Implementation Research
- Oral Health
- Planetary Child Health
- Science Communication
- Vector Borne Diseases and Geo Health