Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Groups Working Groups SS 2016

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Heidelberg Epidemiology Seminar Series

(Ringvorlesung Epidemiologie)

Tuesdays, 4:15 pm (new starting time!)  -  INF 327, SR 1

Summer Term 2016

Date Name Title

Karen Steindorf, AG Bewegung und Krebs, Abt. Umweltepidemiologie DKFZ und Präventive Onkologie, NCT

Determinants of and therapeutic approaches for the cancer‐related fatigue syndrome                                                                    
 24.05.2016 Heiko Becher, Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Uniklinikum Hamburg‐Eppendorf Health risks from passive smoking in Germany ‐ has the Non‐Smoking Act solved the problem?                                                             
 14.06.2016 Renée Turzanski Fortner, DKFZ, Hormones and Cancer Group Division of Cancer Epidemiology The RANK‐axis in breast cancer                                        
 05.07.2016 André Karch, Helmholtz‐Zentrum für Infektionsforschung Braunschweig The role of hospital networks for the transmission and control of healthcareassociated infections
19.07.2016 Valerie Louis, Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg Dengue ‐ methodology and results from DengueTools, one of the three EU‐funded dengue consortium


Elke Braun‐van der Hoeven, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health, Tel: 06221‐56‐4067,
Email: elke.braun@uni‐heidelberg.de

PD Dr. Sabine Gabrysch, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health, Tel: 06221‐56‐5086,
Email: sabine.gabrysch@uni‐heidelberg.de