Kliniken &… Institute Global Health Groups Working Groups WS1617

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Heidelberg Epidemiology Seminar Series

(Ringvorlesung Epidemiologie)

Tuesdays, 4:15 pm  -  INF 327, SR 1

Winter Term 2016/17

Date Name Title
 2:15 pm 

Volker Winkler, Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University Hospital

Öffentliche Antrittsvorlesung (in German!):
Tabakrauchen und Lungenkrebssterblichkeit in Afrika und Südostasien
Place: Hörsaal der Med. Klinik, INF 410
06.12.2016 Andreas Meid, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacoepidemiology, Heidelberg University Hospital Studying additive effects and (drug-drug) interactions in pharmacoepidemiology - conceptual approaches and empiric results from QT-prolonging drugs            
 20.12.2016 Thomas Jaenisch, Section Clinical Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Heidelberg University Hospital The Zika Congenital Syndrome – an exemplary exercise of how to assess causality         
 10.01.2017 Renée Turzanski Fortner, Hormones and Cancer Group, Division of Cancer Epidemiology, German Cancer Research Center Parity, breastfeeding, and breast cancer risk by hormone receptor status
-postponed to 7.2.2017-
Ahmad Zia Shams, German Cancer Research Center Prevention of gastrointestinal cancers in developing countries: A systematic review
 28.02.2017 Danja Sarink, Division of Cancer Epidemiology, German Cancer Research Center sRANKL and OPG as mediators of the associations between established risk factors and breast cancer in the EPIC cohort


Elke Braun‐van der Hoeven, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health, Tel: 06221‐56‐4067,
Email: elke.braun@uni‐heidelberg.de

PD Dr. Sabine Gabrysch, Heidelberg Institute of Public Health, Tel: 06221‐56‐5086,
Email: sabine.gabrysch@uni‐heidelberg.de