Organization Central… Pharmacy Research, teaching,… Clinical studies -…

Clinical studies - Oncology

Clinical oncological studies - what can the pharmacy do?

The pharmacy is involved in the administration, storage, production and documentation of study goods in almost all studies that aim to evaluate a drug's efficacy or safety.

Our services include the following points:

  • Presence for all your questions and requests
  • Preparation of individualised study order forms for the wards
  • Contact with monitors, investigators and other persons involved in the study
  • Ready-to-use, aseptic preparation of the study medication
  • Provision of auxiliary materials: syringes, cannulas, adapters, sterile gloves ...
  • Documentation of patients using the individually created request forms
  • Administration and proper storage of study medication in accordance with general guidelines
  • Management of study literature
  • Availability outside regular working hours in emergencies, including 24-hour on-call service
  • Proper transport of study supplies to the investigator
You may contact us through
Im Neuenheimer Feld 670
69120 Heidelberg
Building 6670

+49 6221 56-35887
+49 6221 56-4094

Contact person

[Translate to English:] Portrait von Maren Bechberger

Dr. Maren Bechberger

Specialist pharmacist for clinical pharmacy, infectiology
ABS expert (DGI)
Head of Research and Teaching
Clinical studies, Pharmaceutical Oncology Service

+49 6221 56-34961
+49 6221 56-33727

Portrait Sabine Hericks

Sabine Hericks

Clinical studies

+49 6221 56-32582
+49 6221 56-4094

Mieke Mertens

Specialist pharmacist for clinical pharmacy
Pharmaceutical-Oncological Service, Clinical Studies

+49 6221 56-36562
+49 6221 56-4094

Dr. Eva Over

Specialist pharmacist for clinical pharmacy, infectiology
ABS expert (DGI)
Clinical studies

+49 6221 56-32572
+49 6221 56-4256

Portrait Matthew Schnabl

Matthew Schnabl

Pharmaceutical Oncology Service, Clinical Studies

+49 6221 56-32316
+49 6221 56-4094

Portrait von Daniel Seebach-Schielzeth

Daniel Seebach-Schielzeth

Clinical studies: Operative-organisational
PTA Oncology (DGOP)

+49 6221 56-35887
+49 6221 56-4094