Organization Central… Pharmacy Services Pharmaceutical… Dispensing of…

Dispensing of medicines

Nelli Schöpp

+49 6221 56-6776
+49 6221 56-4973

Maria Adamidis

+49 6221 56-6776
+49 6221 56-4973

Drug Delivery

Belongs to Pharmaceutical logistics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 670
69120 Heidelberg
Building 6670

+49 6221 56-6776

More details

Goods receipt/goods issue area

The delivered medicines are checked for conformity with the order, proper condition and compliance with the transport conditions. The goods are dispatched according to detailed packing and delivery plans, for the most part via automated goods transport systems to the requesting station.

You may contact us through
Im Neuenheimer Feld 670
69120 Heidelberg
Building 6670

+49 6221 56-6765

Infusion storage area

Order picking of infusion solutions, X-ray contrast media and enteral nutrition products

The wards and other facilities of the hospital can order the required medication and pharmacy goods from the hospital pharmacy every day on working days. If the order is received by the pharmacy by 10 a.m. at the latest, stock items are made available for transport by 1 p.m. (delivery guarantee). Usually, most requests are made from the catalogue compiled by the pharmacy with the help of IT. Orders are also transmitted electronically from the wards to the pharmacy very quickly, as is the largely automatic picking of medicines by a robot.

You may contact us through
Im Neuenheimer Feld 670
69120 Heidelberg
Building 6670

+49 6221 56-6768

Supply area ZE, NUB & blood products

Batch documentation of blood products according to the Transfusion Act (TFG)

The new Transfusion Act (TFG) has been in force since 1 July 1998. This law requires continuous documentation of blood and blood products from the donor to the recipient. Every application of blood products and genetically engineered plasma proteins for the treatment of haemoestasis disorders must be documented or documented by the doctor immediately after application. The following information is mandatory:

  • Patient identification number or unique personal details such as surname, first name, date of birth and address
  • Batch designation
  • Central pharmaceutical number or name of the preparation
  • Name or company name of the pharmaceutical company
  • Quantity and strength
  • Date and time of application

The records must be kept for 30 years and must be immediately available for tracing purposes if necessary. The hospital or practice must ensure that the data can be used for specific patients and products. The whereabouts of unused blood products must also be documented. This means that every bottle that has been destroyed, e.g. due to expiry or breakage, must also be documented.