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Pharmacy manager

History of the pharmacy at Heidelberg University Hospital

Dr Gustav Vulpius: 1876-1901

Dr Vulpius, who was born in Vorberg in 1839, came from an old family of pharmacists. He studied pharmacy in Heidelberg and completed his doctorate in Jena on the components of Salvia glutinosa. After selling the pharmacy he had taken over from his father, which offered him few opportunities for scientific work, he moved to Heidelberg, where he wrote articles for foreign journals, for the Archiv der Pharmazie and for the Pharmazeutische Zeitung. He worked in organic chemistry with Lossen and taught science in several private educational establishments. His numerous publications and scientific works made him one of the most important experts of his time. During his time as pharmacy manager, Vulpius published hundreds of treatises in specialist journals, the material for which he drew from his everyday pharmacy experience. He was a member of the official Pharmacopoeia Commission and co-founder of the commentary on the German Pharmacopoeia. In 1876, Privy Councillor Friedreich, the then director of the Medical Clinic, commissioned Dr Vulpius to set up and manage the clinic pharmacy in Heidelberg, which he ran until his retirement in 1901.

Dr Franz Weiss: 1901-33

Dr Weiss, who was born in St. Blasien in 1868, studied in Waldkirch and Switzerland and graduated in Freiburg in 1894. In 1895 he went to the Royal Medical Clinic in Breslau as an assistant and in 1898 became the administrator of the institutional pharmacy at the Grand Ducal Sanatorium and Nursing Home near Emmendingen, before taking over the management of the pharmacy in Heidelberg in 1901. Weiss took over the handling of pharmaceutical issues at the ministry. He retired in 1933 for reasons of age.

Dr Alfred Dorner: 1933-42

Dr Dorner had been employed as an assistant in the hospital pharmacy since 1912. In 1923 he went to Canton in southern China to establish a German pharmacy and later travelled to various countries in the Far East on behalf of a chemical-pharmaceutical company. Dorner was already writing articles for the pharmaceutical newspaper during his time as an assistant. In 1933 he succeeded Weiss and, despite his left-wing democratic views and many Jewish contacts, was appointed head of the department by the National Socialist government and given a lectureship in pharmaceutical law. He died in 1942 after a long and serious illness.

Dr Paul Baumann: 1942-45

Baumann held deputy posts in the hospital pharmacy from 1922-29, and from 1929 to 1937 was an assistant and the only full-time pharmaceutical employee apart from Dr Dorner. Baumann joined the NSDAP in 1931, served as an SS man from 33 to 34 and was block and cell leader from 34 to 42. In 1937, he took over the management of the newly established hospital pharmacy in Erfurt. In 1942, Baumann was called to Heidelberg after Dorner's death, although he had been called up to the Wehrmacht. The pharmacist Heid was sent to the front in Baumann's place. Baumann was dismissed in December 45 as part of the denazification process.

Dr Werner Heid: 1948-59

Dr Heid was born in Adolsheim in 1916. He was employed by Dorner in the pharmacy during the war. After Dorner's death, he was sent to the front instead of Baumann. He only returned to the hospital pharmacy in January 1948, where he took over the management. During his time as pharmacy manager, Heid completed a doctorate in medicine. He left the clinic pharmacy in 1959, when smallpox broke out in Heidelberg, to work as a venereologist.

Dr Hubert Conrad: 1959-73

1945-48: acting director

Conrad was born in Fraunstadt in 1911. He studied pharmacy in Heidelberg from 1935 to 1937 and received his licence as a pharmacist in Karlsruhe in 1938. From 1938 to 1940, he took on several deputisations for pharmacists who had been drafted into the Wehrmacht before being employed at the hospital pharmacy in Heidelberg in 1940. In 1941 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht. Shortly after his return from captivity in August 1945, he took over the management of the pharmacy on a temporary basis. He held this post until 48. From 1951 to 59, he studied medicine at the same time and was qualified as a doctor in 1958. He completed his doctorate in the field of histology and histochemistry. In 1959 he was put in charge of the pharmacy and in 1967 he was appointed a civil servant for life. Dr Conrad died in 1973 after a serious illness.

Dr Richard Wolf: 1973-83

Born in Wiesloch in 1921, Mr Wolf studied pharmacy in Karlsruhe from 1946 to 1949. He completed his two-year traineeship at the town pharmacy in Wiesloch. In August 1952, he was employed as a pharmacist in the hospital pharmacy in Heidelberg. During Conrad's time, Wolf was deputy pharmacy manager. He completed his doctorate at the Botanical Institute in Heidelberg in 1972 with a thesis on the topic: "Studies on the colouring agents and their distribution in the fertile organs of Bromeliaceae". After Conrad's death in 1973, Dr Wolf took over the management of the pharmacy and retired from the pharmacy in 1983 for reasons of age. Dr Wolf died in 2001 after a serious illness

Günther Schork: 1984-93

Mr Schork was born in Heidelberg in 1928. His schooling was interrupted in 1944 by service as an air force helper and as a prisoner of war. After a 2-year internship in Heidelberg, he studied pharmacy in Karlsruhe and passed the pharmaceutical state examination in 1956. After working in public pharmacies, he was employed in the hospital pharmacy in Heidelberg in 1958. Schork was a member of the staff council of the university hospital from 1963 to 85 and was its chairman from 1968 to 85. In 1973, Schork became deputy pharmacy manager. After the retirement of Dr Wolf, Schork took over the provisional management after Dr Schöneberger had taken over this post for about six months. In November 1984, Mr Schork was appointed pharmacy manager. He was awarded the title of "Clinical Pharmacist" by the ADKA in 1987. He retired from the pharmacy business in 1993 for reasons of age. Mr Schork died in 2001.

Dr Torsten Hoppe-Tichy: since 1993

From July 84, Dr Hoppe-Tichy was a research assistant at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Technical University of Braunschweig, where he completed his doctorate in December 1990 with a thesis on the topic: "Isomers of 1,2,4-triazolecarbaldehydes - synthesis and properties". He was awarded the "Specialist Pharmacist for Pharmaceutical Analysis" in June 1989 and has worked in the pharmacy of Ulm University Hospital since December 1989, heading the analytics department. From July 1991, Dr Hoppe-Tichy was deputy pharmacy manager before taking over as head of the pharmacy at Heidelberg University Hospital in July 1993. In 1993, he was awarded the title of Specialist Pharmacist for Clinical Pharmacy. Dr Hoppe-Tichy is a member of the Drug Commission and the Antibiotics Working Group at the Ruprecht-Karls University Hospital in Heidelberg. Dr Hoppe-Tichy, who was born in Hanover in 1959, studied pharmacy at the Technical University of Braunschweig from 1979 to 83. He completed his practical pharmaceutical training from 83 to 84 at St. Georg's Pharmacy in Garbsen and at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the TU Braunschweig and received his licence to practise in October 84.

Author: Martina Schwald