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Goods receipt with incoming goods inspection / outgoing goods inspection

The delivered medicines are checked for conformity with the order, proper condition and compliance with the transport conditions. Outgoing goods are dispatched according to detailed packing and delivery plans, for the most part via automated goods transport systems to the requesting station.

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Stockholding, computerised inventory management and stock accounting

The medicines required to ensure the proper supply of medicines to patients at the university hospital must be kept in stock in sufficient quantities. In this case, the aim of the pharmacy must be to ensure a reliable supply for our patients - whether routine or emergency, on weekdays, weekends or public holidays. The storage locations must be adapted to the intended storage quantities, which - as required by law - must correspond to at least the average requirement for a fortnight. Special storage conditions such as cold storage, light protection, etc. as well as the expiry dates of the medicines must be monitored to ensure that the high quality of the sometimes sensitive products is maintained. Every incoming and outgoing stock is computerised.

Organisation of returns from the wards, internal clinic returns

The wards have the option of returning medicines that are no longer required to the pharmacy, e.g. when a patient is discharged. The pharmacy first carries out an expert check to see whether the medication is still OK. If so, it is returned to the pharmacy stock and credited to the ward. If the strict quality requirements are not met, the product is disposed of in the correct manner.


Supply of narcotics (Btm), import of medicines and processing of special prescriptions

Responsible employees: Mrs Claudia Nohles, (PTA)