Organization Central… Pharmacy Services Pharmaceutical… Strategic Purchasing…

Strategic Purchasing Pharmaceuticals

As a professional basic service for pharmacies, strategic purchasing uses pharmaceutical expertise to ensure that the right medicines are available in perfect quality and in compliance with all technical and legal requirements in an economical and efficient manner. Similarly, in the field of diagnostics, purchasing expertise with optimum market knowledge, benchmarking, supplier assessment and collaboration in the EK-UNICO purchasing association, which spans hospitals throughout Germany, means that market developments can be anticipated and acted upon accordingly, leading to sustainable budget relief for hospitals and a reduction in laboratory costs.

The entire order processing of the in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) ordered by the points of use, i.e. approx. 35,000 order items per year, is carried out by the pharmacy. This activity includes not only the order itself, but also the checking of invoices, delivery notes and their posting. Centralised ordering by the pharmacy enables detailed consumption statistics to be compiled and made available to the laboratories on request. This enables early intervention in the event of budget problems. The department sees itself as a competent point of contact for complaints and problems of all kinds. Furthermore, the pharmacy conducts intensive price negotiations with IVD suppliers in co-operation with the users. Thanks to the broad scientific training of the pharmacists, the pharmacy is an indispensable partner and service provider for the laboratories, not only in organisational terms, but above all in technical terms.

Responsible pharmacists
Portrait Joachim Halter- Lundbeck

Joachim Halter-Lundbeck

Specialist pharmacist for clinical pharmacy
Strategic Purchasing Pharmaceuticals

+49 6221 56-6771
+49 6221 56-4199

Jürgen Geierhaas

Specialist pharmacist for clinical pharmacy
Strategic Purchasing Pharmaceuticals

+49 6221 56-6771
+49 6221 56-4199

Strategic procurement

Belongs to Pharmaceutical logistics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 670
69120 Heidelberg
Building 6670

More details

Operational Purchasing

Procurement of medicinal products, procurement of standard pharmacy goods, processing of delivery notes and invoice verification

Finished medicinal products are mainly procured directly from the pharmaceutical industry. The IT-supported organisation, coordinated supply agreements and delivery schedules as well as fast delivery create the conditions for reliable and safe patient care.