Directions & Parking
Directions &…

Directions & Parking

The University Hospital's clinics are located at various sites within Heidelberg. The Bergstrasse District Hospital in Heppenheim, Hesse, has also been part of the hospital since 2013.

Route planning and addresses

You can also use our location finder to plan your route. All Heidelberg University Hospital facilities are listed in the location finder. To plan your route by car or public transport, simply enter the name of the facility in the search field and select the relevant facility. A "Plan route" button will then appear under the name of the facility and the address.

Parking fees at Heidelberg University Hospital

Since October 2007, a subsidiary of Heidelberg University Hospital - Klinik-Service GmbH - has been managing the University Hospital's car parks. Around 1,000 parking spaces are currently reserved for visitors and patients in the immediate vicinity of the individual clinics on the Neuenheim campus and at the Orthopaedic University Clinic in Heidelberg's Schlierbach district. They are adjusted daily to actual demand using state-of-the-art technology. A car park guidance system shows how many free visitor parking spaces are available.

Car park charges:

The parking fees for the Klinik-Service GmbH car parks and spaces are a flat rate of 3 euros for the first two hours. Each additional hour or part thereof costs 1.70 euros (maximum daily rate 10 euros). Discounted five- and ten-space tickets are available for 8 euros per parking session.

A list of cash machines in Neuenheimer Feld can be found here.

Long-term contracts:

Patients with longer-term stays at the hospital (inpatients or outpatients with repeated visits) have the option of taking out a long-term contract for 28 days at 60 euros plus a 20 euro deposit for the parking card. This reduces the maximum daily rate to 2.20 euros. With the parking card, patients or their relatives can enter and exit the car park as often as they like. At the end of the stay, the long-term contract is settled exactly and the remaining credit is paid out.

Severely disabled persons with a G or aG pass:

Severely disabled persons with a G or aG permit can also use a long-term contract under the above conditions. Some health insurance companies offer the option of having the parking costs reimbursed retrospectively.

The discounted five and ten tickets as well as the long-term contracts can only be purchased at the Control and Information Centre 1 in building 165 between the Medical Clinic and car park P160. The staff there are also available to answer any questions about car park management.

The fees shown do not apply to the Mathematikon underground car park and the P15 car park on the clinic grounds in Bergheim (near the Centre for Psychosocial Medicine). These car parks are managed by Stadtwerke Heidelberg or Parkraumgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg (PBW). Different tariffs apply.

On our own behalf:

The car park management system is based on an agreement between the state of Baden-Württemberg and the four institutions involved in the car park management system - the University Hospital, the University, the University College of Education and the University Building Authority. The aim is to relieve the critical traffic situation in Neuenheimer Feld and to regulate the parking of employees, patients, students, visitors etc. The agreement clearly stipulates that no profits or losses may be made from the car park management. The income from the car park charges is only used to finance the costs of running the car park (staff, material and operating costs). The income from the chargeable employee parking permits (26 euros per month) is used directly to finance the employee job ticket for local public transport.
