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MAGEL2 (patho-)physiology and Schaaf-Yang syndrome

Schubert T, Schaaf CP

Dev Med Child Neurol. 2025 Jan;6 7(1):35-48

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Systemische ATTR-Amyloidosen - Hereditäre Amyloidneuropathien und andere Organmanifestationen 

Diagnostik der ATTR-Amyloidosen, Genetik, Kap. 6.1. UNI-MED SCIENCE 2024; 3. Auflage: S. 35-40

Sommer, C., F. Birklein und E. Hund [unter Mitarbeit von: J. Beimler, K. Doppler, Ch. Geber, K. Hinderhofer, S. Ihne-Schubert, A. V. Kristen, C. Morbach, A. Papagianni, Ch. Röcken, H. Schmidt und S. Störk]

Single-cell multiomics analysis reveals dynamic clonal evolution and targetable phenotypes in acute myeloid leukemia with complex karyotype

Leppä AM, Grimes K, Jeong H, Huang FY, Andrades A […]

Nat Genet. 2024 Dec 5, 6(12):2790-2803

Multi-omic and single-cell profiling of chromothriptic medulloblastoma reveals genomic and transcriptomic consequences of genome instability

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Nat Commun. 2024 Nov 23;15:10183

STIL overexpression shortens lifespan and reduces tumor formation in mice

Moussa AT, Cosenza MR, Wohlfromm T, Brobeil K, Hill A […]

PLoS Genet. 2024 Oct 28;20(10):e1011460.

Molecular landscape of the overlap between Alzheimer's disease and somatic insulin-related diseases 

Ruisch IH, Widomska J, De Witte W, Mota NR, Fanelli G, Van Gils V, Jansen WJ, Vos SJB, Fóthi A, Barta C, Berkel S, Alam KA, Martinez A, Haavik J, O'Leary A, Slattery D, Sullivan M, Glennon J, Buitelaar JK, Bralten J, Franke B, Poelmans G

Alzheimers Res Ther,  2024 Oct 28; 16(1):239.

Regulation of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor Type II Expression by FMR1/Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein in Human Granulosa Cells in the Context of Poor Ovarian Response

Nguyen, X.P., Vilkaite, A., Bender, U., Dietrich, J.E., Hinderhofer, K., Strowitzki, T. and Rehnitz, J.

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024 Oct 3; 25:10643

Enhancing the analysis of murine neonatal ultrasonic vocalizations: Development, evaluation, and application of different mathematical models

Herdt R, Kinzel L, Maaß JG, Walther M, Fröhlich H, Schubert T, Maass P, Schaaf CP. 

J Acoust Soc Am. 2024 Oct 1; 156(4):2448-2466

Plain language summary of isatuximab plus carfilzomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone for the treatment of people with high-risk newly diagnosed multiple myeloma

Leypoldt LB, Tichy D, Besemer B, Hanel M, Raab MS […]

Future Oncol. 2024 Sep 30:1-15

Developmental signals control chromosome segregation fidelity during pluripotency and neurogenesis by modulating replicative stress

de Jaime-Soguero A, Hattemer J, Bufe A, Haas A, van den Berg J […]

Nat Commun. 2024 Aug 28; 15(1):7404

Next-generation phenotyping integrated in a national framework for patients with ultrarare disorders improves genetic diagnostics and yields new molecular findings

Schmidt, A., Danyel, M., Grundmann, K., …, Hinderhofer, K., … and Wagner, M. [insgesamt 172 Autoren]

Nat Genet 2024 Aug 5; 56:1644–1653, Epub 2024 Jul 22.

Endoplasmic Reticulum and Mitochondrial Calcium Handling Dynamically Shape Slow Afterhyperpolarizations in Vasopressin Magnocellular Neurons

Matthew K Kirchner, Ferdinand Althammer, Elba Campos-Lira, Juliana Montanez, Javier E Stern

J Neurosci; 2024 Jul 24

Truncated variants of MAGEL2 are involved in the etiologies of the Schaaf-Yang and Prader-Willi syndromes.

Heimdörfer D, Vorleuter A, Eschlböck A, Spathopoulou A, Suarez-Cubero M, Farhan H, Reiterer V, Spanjaard M, Schaaf CP, Huber LA, Kremser L, Sarg B, Edenhofer F, Geley S, de Araujo MEG, Huettenhofer A.

Am J Hum Genet. 2024 Jul 11; Epub 2024 Jun 21.

Molecular Long-Term Analysis of the GMMG-HD4 Trial in Multiple Myeloma-Patterns of Association of Chromosomal Aberrations with Response and Proliferation Determining Survival in Selecting Treatments in View of Limited Resources in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Seckinger A, Salwender H, Martin H, Scheid C, Hielscher T […]

Int J Mol Sci 2024 Jun 11;25(12):6431

Quantitative Integrative Survival Prediction in Multiple Myeloma Patients Treated With Bortezomib-Based Induction, High-Dose Therapy and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation 

Hummel M, Hielscher T, Emde-Rajaratnam M, Salwender H, Beck S […]

JCO Precis Oncol. 2024 Jul;8 :e2300613

Artificial intelligence-based, volumetric assessment of the bone marrow metabolic activity in [18F]FDG PET/CT predicts survival in multiple myeloma

Sachpekidis C, Enqvist O, Ulén J, Kopp-Schneider A, Pan L […]

Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2024 Jul;5 1(8):2293-2307

CD8+ CD28- regulatory T cells after induction therapy predict progression-free survival in myeloma patients: results from the GMMG-HD6 multicenter phase III study 

Kriegsmann K, Ton G, Awwad M, Benner A, Bertsch U […]

Leukemia 2024 Jul;3 8(7):1621-1625.

MAGEL2 (patho-)physiology and Schaaf-Yang syndrome

Schubert T, Schaaf CP.

Dev Med Child Neurol. 2024 Jul 1. Epub ahead of print. 

Comparative analysis of gene and disease selection in genomic newborn screening studies

Betzler IR, Hempel M, Mütze U, Kölker S, Winkler E, Dikow N, Garbade SF, Schaaf CP, Brennenstuhl H. 

J Inherit Metab Dis. 2024 May 16. Epub ahead of print. 

Comparative analysis of whole plant, flower and root extracts of Chamomilla recutita L. and characteristic pure compounds reveals differential anti-inflammatory effects on human T cells

Lairikyengbam D., Wetterauer B., Schmiech M., Jahraus B., Kirchgessner H., Wetterauer P., Berschneider K., Beier V., Niesler B., Balta E., Samstag Y. 

Frontiers in Immunology. 2024 Apr 24;

Clinical relevance of pathological diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease with Acetylcholine-Esterase histochemistry or Calretinin immunohistochemistry

Romero P. Burger A., Wennberg E., Schmitteckert S., Holland-Cunz S., Schwab C., Günther P

Children. 2024 Apr. 3,

Local patterns of genetic sharing challenge the boundaries between neuropsychiatric and insulin resistance-related conditions.

Fanelli G, Franke B, Fabbri C, Werme J, Erdogan I, De Witte W, Poelmans G, Ruisch IH, Reus LM, van Gils V, Jansen WJ, Vos SJB, Alam KA, Martinez A, Haavik J, Wimberley T, Dalsgaard S, Fóthi Á, Barta C, Fernandez-Aranda F, Jimenez-Murcia S, Berkel S, Matura S, Salas-Salvadó J, Arenella M, Serretti A, Mota NR, Bralten J.

medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Mar 8:2024

Elotuzumab, lenalidomide, bortezomib, dexamethasone, and autologous haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (GMMG-HD6): results from a randomised, phase 3 trial

Mai EK, Goldschmid H, Miah K, Bertsch U, Besemer B […]

Lancet Haematol 2024 Feb;11 (2):e101-e113.

Targeted Proteomics Reveals Quantitative Differences in Low-Abundance Glycosyltransferases of Patients with Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation

Sakson R., Beedgen L., Bernhard P., Alp K.M., Lübbehusen N., Röth R., Niesler B., Luzarowski M., Shevchuk O., Mayer M.P., Thiel C., Ruppert T. 

International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024 Jan 18

Isatuximab, Carfilzomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone for the Treatment of High-Risk Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma

Leypoldt LB, Tichy D, Besemer B, Hänel M, Raab MS […]

J Clin Oncol 2024 Jan 1;42(1):26-37

Compilation of Genotype and Phenotype Data in GCDH-LOVD for Variant Classification and Further Application

Tibelius A., Evers C., Oeser S., Rinke I., Jauch A. and Hinderhofer K.

Genes 2023; Dec 14 :22, 18, 

Identification of novel genes including NAV2 associated with isolated tall stature

Weiss B, Ott T, Vick P, Lui JC, Roeth R, Vogel S, Waldmüller S, Hoffmann S, Baron J, Witt JM, Rappold GA

Front. Endocrinol. Dec 12 202310.3389/fendo.2023.1258313. 

De Novo Variants in RAB11B Cause Various Degrees of Global Developmental Delay and Intellectual Disability in Children

Ahmad N, Fazeli W, Schliesske S, Lesca G, Gokce-Samar Z, Simons M, Sticht H, Jamra RA, Neuser S

Pediatr Neurol. 2023 Nov 14, 8:164-171 

High-calorie diets uncouple hypothalamic oxytocin neurons from a gut-to-brain satiation pathway via κ-opioid signaling

Tim Gruber, Franziska Lechner, Cahuê Murat, Raian E Contreras, Eva Sanchez-Quant, […]

Cell Rep 2023 Oct 31

The role of insulin/IGF1 signalling in neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders - Evidence from human neuronal cell models.

Réthelyi JM, Vincze K, Schall D, Glennon J, Berkel S.

Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2023 Oct;15; 3:105330.  Epub 2023 Jul 27. 

Changes in neuropeptide large dense core vesicle trafficking dynamics contribute to adaptive responses to a systemic homeostatic challenge

Matthew K Kirchner, Ferdinand Althammer, Kevin J Donaldson, Daniel N Cox, Javier E Stern 

iScience 2023 Oct 18;

Heralding a new era of oxytocinergic research: New tools, new problems?

Ferdinand Althammer 

J Neuroendocrinol 2023 Oct;3

Associations of Mucosal Nerve Fiber Innervation Density with Hirschsprung-Associated Enterocolitis - A retrospective three center cohort study

Moesch M., Usemann J., Bruder E., Romero P., Schwab C., Niesler B., Tapia-Laliena M.A., Khasanov R., Nisar T., Study Group Nig Retro, Holland-Cunz S., Keck S.

Eur J Pediatr Surg 2023 Aug 3 3(4):299-309.doi: 10.1055/a-1889-6355. Epub 2022 Jul 1, 

Angiotensin II-Mediated Neuroinflammation in the Hippocampus Contributes to Neuronal Deficits and Cognitive Impairment in Heart Failure Rats

Ferdinand Althammer, Ranjan K Roy, Matthew K Kirchner, Elba Campos-Lira, Kathryn E Whitley, Steven Davis, Juliana Montanez, Hildebrando Candido Ferreira-Neto, Jessica Danh, Rafaela Feresin, Vinicia Campana Biancardi, Usama Zafar, Marise B Parent, Javier E Stern

Hypertension 2023 Jun;80(6):1258-1273. Epub 2023 Apr 10.

Is iron deficiency caused by BMPR2 mutations or dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients?

Theobald V., Grünig E., Benjamin N., Seyfarth H.J., Halank M., Schneider M.A., Richtmann S., Kazdal D., Hinderhofer K., Xanthouli P., Egenlauf B., Harutyunova S., Hoeper M.M., Jonigk D., Sparla R., Muckenthaler M.U. and Eichstaedt C.A.

Pulm Circ 2023; June 7, 13 :12242 

Generation of two homozygous SHOX2 knock-out human induced pluripotent stem cell lines using CRISPR/Cas9

Rädecke K, Gore A, Burau K, Laugsch M, Köhler K, Rappold GA, Hoffmann S. 

Stem Cell Res. 2023; 69:103089. 

X-linked variations in SHROOM4 are implicated in congenital anomalies of the urinary tract and the anorectal, cardiovascular and central nervous systems

Kolvenbach C.M., Felger T., Schierbaum L., Thiffault I., Pastinen T., Szczepańska M., Zaniew M., Adamczyk P., Bayat A., Yilmaz Ö., Lindenberg T.T., Thiele H., Hildebrandt F., Hinderhofer K., Moog U., Hilger A.C., Sullivan B., Bartik L., Gnyś P., Grote P., Odermatt B., Reutter H.M. and Dworschak G.C.

J Med Genet 2023; June 6: 587-596, 

ER stress and slit diaphragms: is there a connection?

Hermle T, Simons M

Kidney Int, 2023 May;10 3(5):830-832, 

Four missense genetic variants in CUBN are associated with higher levels of eGFR in non-diabetes but not in diabetes mellitus or its subtypes: A genetic association study in Europeans

Uglebjerg N, Ahmadizar F, Aly DM, Canadas-Garre M, ...Simons M, Rossing P, Ahluwalia TS

Front Endcrinol. Feb 28 2023; 14: 1081741. 

An analgesic pathway from parvocellular oxytocin neurons to the periaqueductal gray in rats

Mai Iwasaki, Arthur Lefevre, Ferdinand Althammer, Etienne Clauss Creusot, Olga Łąpieś, Hugues Petitjean, Louis Hilfiger, Damien Kerspern, Meggane Melchior, Stephanie Küppers, Quirin Krabichler, Ryan Patwell, Alan Kania, Tim Gruber, Matthew K Kirchner, Moritz Wimmer, Henning Fröhlich, Laura Dötsch, Jonas Schimmer, Sabine C Herpertz, Beate Ditzen, Christian P Schaaf, Kai Schönig, Dusan Bartsch, Anna Gugula, Aleksandra Trenk, Anna Blasiak, Javier E Stern, Pascal Darbon, Valery Grinevich, Alexandre Charlet

Nat Commun 2023 Feb 24

Virotherapy combined with anti-PD1 transiently reshapes the tumor immune environment and induces anti-tumor immunity in a preclinical PDAC model

Veinalde R., Pidelaserra-Martí G., Moulin C., Leng Tan C., Schäfer T.E., Kang N., Ball C.R., Leichsenring J., Stenzinge A., Kaderali L., Jäger D., Ungerechts G., Engeland C.E.

Front Immunol, 2023 Jan 16, 13:1096162. eCollection 2022, 

Treatment dependent impact of plasma-derived exosomes from head and neck cancer patients on the epithelial-to-mesenchym transition

Hofmann L., Waizenegger M., Röth R., Schmitteckert S., Engelhardt D., Schuler P.J., Laban S., Hoffmann T.K., Brunner C., Theodoraki M.N

Front Oncol 2023 Jan 4, 

In-depth characterisation of a cohort of individuals with missense and loss-of-function variants disrupting FOXP2.

L. D. Morison, E. Meffert, M. Stampfer, I. Steiner-Wilke, B. Vollmer, K. Schulze, T. Briggs, R. Braden, A. Vogel, D. Thompson-Lake, et al.

J Med Genet. 2022 Nov 3. 
Assessment of the Genetic Spectrum of Uncombable Hair Syndrome in a Cohort of 107 Individuals.

F. B. Basmanav, N. Cesarato, S. Kumar, O. Borisov, P. Kokordelis, D. J. Ralser, M. Wehner, D. Axt, X. Xiong, H. Thiele, et al.

JAMA Dermatol. 2022 Nov 1;158(11):1245. 
Comprehensive cancer predisposition testing within the prospective MASTER trial identifies hereditary cancer patients and supports treatment decisions for rare cancers.

A. Jahn, A. Rump, T. Widmann, C. Heining, P. Horak, B. Hutter, N. Paramasivam, S. Uhrig, L. Gieldon, S. Drukewitz, et al.

Annals of Oncology. 2022 November;33(11):1186-1199. 
Genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of infantile liver failure due to pathogenic TRMU variants.

G. F. Vogel, Y. Mozer-Glassberg, Y. E. Landau, L. D. Schlieben, H. Prokisch, R. G. Feichtinger, J. A. Mayr, H. Brennenstuhl, J. Schröter, A. Pechlaner, et al.

Genet Med. 2022 Oct 28. 
Genetic counselling and testing in pulmonary arterial hypertension -A consensus statement on behalf of the International Consortium for Genetic Studies in PAH.

C. A. Eichstaedt, C. Belge, W. K. Chung, S. Gräf, E. Grünig, D. Montani, R. Quarck, J. A. Tenorio-Castano, F. Soubrier, R. C. Trembath, et al.

Eur Respir J. 2022 Oct 27. 
Keratinocyte-induced costimulation of human T cells through CD6 - but not CD2 - activates mTOR and prevents oxidative stress.

C. Orlik, K. M. Berschneider, B. Jahraus, B. Niesler, E. Balta, K. Schäkel, J. Schröder-Braunstein, M. M. Souto-Carneiro, Y. Samstag.

Front Immunol. 2022 Oct 24;13:1016112. 
Copy number variants as modifiers of breast cancer risk for BRCA1/BRCA2 pathogenic variant carriers.

C. Hakkaart, J. F. Pearson, L. Marquart, J. Dennis, G. A. R. Wiggins, D. R. Barnes, B. A. Robinson, P. D. Mace, K. Aittomäki, I. L. Andrulis, et al.

Commun Biol. 2022 Oct 6;5(1). 
Emerging role of astrocytes in oxytocin-mediated control of neural circuits and brain functions.

A. Baudon, E. Clauss Creusot, F. Althammer, C. P. Schaaf, A. Charlet.

Progress in Neurobiology. October 2022. 
Sequencing individual genomes with recurrent genomic disorder deletions: an approach to characterize genes for autosomal recessive rare disease traits.

B. Yuan, K. V. Schulze, N. Assia Batzir, J. Sinson, H. Dai, W. Zhu, F. Bocanegra, C. Fong, J. Holder, J. Nguyen, et al.

Genome Med. 2022 Sep 30; 14(1). 
De Novo ZMYND8 variants result in an autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental disorder with cardiac malformations.

K. Dias, C. M. Carlston, L. E. Blok, L. De Hayr, U. Nawaz, C. Evans, P. Bayrak-Toydemir, S. Htun, Y. Zhu, A. Ma, et al.

Genetics in Medicine. 2022 September;24 (9):1952-1966. 
The serotonin receptor 3E variant is a risk factor for female IBS-D.

N. Fritz, S. Berens, Y. Dong, C. Martínez, S. Schmitteckert, L. A. Houghton, M. Goebel-Stengel, V. Wahl, M. Kabisch, D. Götze, et al.

J Mol Med. 2022 Sep 19;100(11):1617-1627. 
Transcription factor Creb3l1 maintains proteostasis in neuroendocrine cells.

M. Greenwood, B. T. Gillard, R. Farrukh, A. Paterson, F. Althammer, V. Grinevich, D. Murphy, M. P. Greenwood.

Molecular Metabolism. Sept. 6; 2022
Oxytocin-based therapies for treatment of Prader-Willi and Schaaf-Yang syndromes: evidence, disappointments, and future research strategies.

F. Althammer, F. Muscatelli, V. Grinevich, C. P. Schaaf.

Transl Psychiatry. 2022 Aug 8;12(1). 
A Preclinical Study on Brugada Syndrome with a CACNB2 Variant Using Human Cardiomyocytes from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.

R. Zhong, T. Schimanski, F. Zhang, H. Lan, A. Hohn, Q. Xu, M. Huang, Z. Liao, L. Qiao, Z. Yang, et al.

IJMS. 2022 Jul 27;23(15):8313. 
Prognostic meaning of right ventricular function and output reserve in patients with systemic sclerosis.
P. Xanthouli, J. Miazgowski, N. Benjamin, O. Gordjani, B. Egenlauf, S. Harutyunova, R. Seeger, A. M. Marra, N. Blank, H. Lorenz, et al.
Arthritis Res Ther. 21 July 2022
The effect of exercise training and physiotherapy on left and right heart function in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a systematic literature review.

E. Palevičiūtė, T. Šimbelytė, C. A. Eichstaedt, N. Benjamin, B. Egenlauf, E. Grünig, J. Čelutkienė.

Heart Fail Rev. 13 July 2022
Uncovering the Contribution of Moderate-Penetrance Susceptibility Genes to Breast Cancer by Whole-Exome Sequencing and Targeted Enrichment Sequencing of Candidate Genes in Women of European Ancestry.

M. Dumont, N. Weber-Lassalle, C. Joly-Beauparlant, C. Ernst, A. Droit, B. Feng, S. Dubois, A. Collin-Deschesnes, P. Soucy, M. Vallée, et al.

Cancers. 11 July 2022
Phenotypic characterization of seven individuals with Marbach–Schaaf neurodevelopmental syndrome.

F. Marbach, B. S. Lipska‐Ziętkiewicz, A. Knurowska, V. Michaud, H. Margot, J. Lespinasse, F. Tran Mau Them, C. Coubes, J. Park, S. Grosch, et al.

American J of Med Genetics Pt A. 5 July 2022
Prevalence of Cancer Predisposition Germline Variants in Male Breast Cancer Patients: Results of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer.

M. Rolfes, J. Borde, K. Möllenhoff, M. Kayali, C. Ernst, A. Gehrig, C. Sutter, J. Ramser, D. Niederacher, J. Horváth, et al.

Cancers. 5 July 2022
Evidence of neural crest cell origin of a DICER1 mutant CNS sarcoma in a child with DICER1 syndrome and NRAS‐mutant neurocutaneous melanosis.

L. Schweizer, W. Hartmann, A. Koch, M. Nunninger, U. Thomale, V. Pennacchietti, A. Tietze, D. Horn, K. W. Pajtler, S. Hirsch, et al.

Neuropathology Appl Neurobio. 5 July 2022

Altered PVN-to-CA2 hippocampal oxytocin pathway and reduced number of oxytocin-receptor expressing astrocytes in heart failure rats

Ferdinand Althammer, Ranjan K Roy, Arthur Lefevre, Rami S Najjar, Kai Schoenig  Dusan Bartsch, Marina Eliava, Rafaela G Feresin, Elizabeth A D Hammock, Anne Z Murphy, Alexandre Charlet, Valery Grinevich, Javier E Stern

J Neuroendocrinol. 2022 Jul; 3

Associations of Mucosal Nerve Fiber Innervation Density with Hirschsprung-Associated Enterocolitis - A retrospective three center cohort study.

M. Moesch, J. Usemann, E. Bruder, P. Romero, C. Schwab, B. Niesler, M. A. Tapia-Laliena, R. Khasanov, T. Nisar, S. G. NIG Retro, et al.

Eur J Pediatr Surg. 1 July 2022
Cancer risk and tumour spectrum in 172 patients with a germline SUFU pathogenic variation: a collaborative study of the SIOPE Host Genome Working Grou.

L. Guerrini-Rousseau, J. Masliah-Planchon, S. M. Waszak, P. Alhopuro, P. R. Benusiglio, F. Bourdeaut, I. B. Brecht, G. Del Baldo, S. K. Dhanda, M. L. Garrè, et al.

J Med Genet. 29 June 2022
Polygenic risk scores indicate extreme ages at onset of breast cancer in female BRCA1/2 pathogenic variant carriers.

J. Borde, Y. Laitman, B. Blümcke, D. Niederacher, K. Weber-Lassalle, C. Sutter, A. Rump, N. Arnold, S. Wang-Gohrke, J. Horváth, et al.

BMC Cancer. 27 June 2022
Homoarginine treatment of rats improves cardiac function and remodeling in response to pressure overload.

V. Koch, L. D. Gruenewald, T. Gruber‐Rouh, S. Martin, K. Eichler, C. Booz, I. Yel, T. J. Vogl, K. Buchner, M. Hagenmueller, et al.

Fundamemntal Clinical Pharma. 22 June 2022
Pan-cancer analysis of genomic scar patterns caused by homologous repair deficiency (HRD).

E. Rempel, K. Kluck, S. Beck, I. Ourailidis, D. Kazdal, O. Neumann, A. L. Volckmar, M. Kirchner, H. Goldschmid, N. Pfarr, et al.

npj Precis. Onc.. 9 June 2022
Epigenetic reactivation of transcriptional programs orchestrating fetal lung development in human pulmonary hypertension.

P. Chelladurai, C. Kuenne, A. Bourgeois, S. Günther, C. Valasarajan, A. V. Cherian, R. J. Rottier, C. Romanet, A. Weigert, O. Boucherat, et al.

Sci. Transl. Med. 2022 Jun 8;14(648). 
Multiple Arterial Dissections and Connective Tissue Abnormalities.

P. Erhart, D. Körfer, S. Dihlmann, J. Qiao, I. Hausser, P. Ringleb, J. Männer, N. Dikow, C. P. Schaaf, C. Grond-Ginsbach, et al.

JCM. 7 June 2022
Serotonin type 3 receptor subunit gene polymorphisms associated with psychosomatic symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome: A multicenter retrospective study.

S. Berens, Y. Dong, N. Fritz, J. Walstab, M. D'Amato, T. Zheng, V. Wahl, F. Boekstegers, J. L. Bermejo, C. Martinez, et al.

WJG. 7 June 2022
mTORC1 functional assay reveals SZT2 loss-of-function variants and a founder in-frame deletion.

J. D. Calhoun, M. C. Aziz, H. C. Happ, J. Gunti, C. Gleason, N. Mohamed, K. Zeng, M. Hiller, E. Bryant, D. S. Mithal, et al.

Brain. 1 June 2022
Pediatric T-ALL type-1 and type-2 relapses develop along distinct pathways of clonal evolution.

P. Richter-Pechańska, J. B. Kunz, T. Rausch, B. Erarslan-Uysal, B. Bornhauser, V. Frismantas, Y. Assenov, M. Zimmermann, M. Happich, C. von Knebel-Doeberitz, et al.

Leukemia. 18 May 2022
Reducing lipid bilayer stress by monounsaturated fatty acids protects renal proximal tubules in diabetes.

A. Pérez-Martí, S. Ramakrishnan, J. Li, A. Dugourd, M. R. Molenaar, L. R. De La Motte, K. Grand, A. Mansouri, M. Parisot, S. S. Lienkamp, et al.

eLife. 12 May 2022
Oncolytic H-1 Parvovirus Hijacks Galectin-1 to Enter Cancer Cells.

T. Ferreira, A. Kulkarni, C. Bretscher, P. Nazarov, J. Hossain, L. Ystaas, H. Miletic, R. Röth, B. Niesler, A. Marchini.

Viruses. 11 May 2022
Clinical validity assessment of genes frequently tested on intellectual disability/autism sequencing panels.

E. R. Riggs, T. I. Bingaman, C. Barry, A. Behlmann, K. Bluske, B. Bostwick, A. Bright, C. Chen, A. R. Clause, A. V. Dharmadhikari, et al.

Genetics in Medicine. May 2022
Reduction of BMPR2 mRNA Expression in Peripheral Blood of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Patients: A Marker for Disease Severity?.

V. Theobald, N. Benjamin, H. Seyfarth, M. Halank, M. A. Schneider, S. Richtmann, K. Hinderhofer, P. Xanthouli, B. Egenlauf, R. Seeger, et al.

Genes. 26 April 2022
NGS allele counts versus called genotypes for testing genetic association.

R. González Silos, C. Fischer, J. Lorenzo Bermejo.

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2022
Consensus Recommendations of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer.

K. Rhiem, B. Auber, S. Briest, N. Dikow, N. Ditsch, N. Dragicevic, S. Grill, E. Hahnen, J. Horvath, B. Jaeger, et al.

Breast Care. 19 July 2021
Lysozyme amyloidosis—a report on a large German cohort and the characterisation of a novel amyloidogenic lysozyme gene variant.

S. Anker, K. Hinderhofer, J. Baur, C. Haupt, C. Röcken, J. Beimler, M. Zeier, M. Weiler, E. Wühl, C. Kimmich, et al.

Amyloid. 9 May 2022
A Nonviable Probiotic in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study.

I. Mack, J. Schwille-Kiuntke, N. Mazurak, B. Niesler, K. Zimmermann, H. Mönnikes, P. Enck.

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. May 2022
Drosophila melanogaster: a simple genetic model of kidney structure, function and disease.

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Pathophysiological Heterogeneity of the BBSOA Neurodevelopmental Syndrome.

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Inflammation induces pro-NETotic neutrophils via TNFR2 signaling.

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Gene panel diagnostics reveals new pathogenic variants in pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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Expanding the clinical spectrum of COL2A1 related disorders by a mass like phenotype.

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The need for recognition of core professional groups in genetics healthcare services in Europe.

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Activation of AKT/mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in the peripheral blood of women with premature ovarian insufficiency and its correlation with FMR1 expression.

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Drosophila functional screening of de novo variants in autism uncovers damaging variants and facilitates discovery of rare neurodevelopmental diseases.

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Cell Reports. March 2022
Expression of FMRpolyG in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Women with Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 Gene Premutation.

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Inherited variants in CHD3 show variable expressivity in Snijders Blok-Campeau syndrome.

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Genetics in Medicine. March 2022
Analysis of the complete lambda light chain germline usage in patients with AL amyloidosis and dominant heart or kidney involvement.

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PLoS ONE. 25 February 2022
Lysosomal cystine mobilization shapes the response of TORC1 and tissue growth to fasting.

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PIGN encephalopathy: Characterizing the epileptology.

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Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress contribute to cognitive and motor impairment in FOXP1 syndrome.

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GestaltMatcher facilitates rare disease matching using facial phenotype descriptors.

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Nat Genet. 10 February 2022

Identification and three-dimensional reconstruction of oxytocin receptor expressing astrocytes in the rat and mouse brain

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Adverse Effects of Vemurafenib on Skin Integrity: Hyperkeratosis and Skin Cancer Initiation Due to Altered MEK/ERK-Signaling and MMP Activity.

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Encephalocraniocutaneous Lipomatosis.

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Cancer Risks Associated With BRCA1 and BRCA2 Pathogenic Variants.

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Comprehensive genomic analysis of refractory multiple myeloma reveals a complex mutational landscape associated with drug resistance and novel therapeutic vulnerabilities.

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Whole exome sequencing identifies potential candidate genes for spina bifida derived from mouse models.

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American J of Med Genetics Pt A. 18 January 2022
Disrupted Mitochondrial Network Drives Deficits of Learning and Memory in a Mouse Model of FOXP1 Haploinsufficiency.

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Genes. 11 January 2022
Facebook Support Groups for Pediatric Rare Diseases: Cross-Sectional Study to Investigate Opportunities, Limitations, and Privacy Concerns.

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Genetic Variation in LRP1 Associates with Stanford Type B Aortic Dissection Risk and Clinical Outcome.

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Impact of Homoarginine on Myocardial Function and Remodeling in a Rat Model of Chronic Renal Failure.

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Genetics of High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema.

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COGNITION: a prospective precision oncology trial for patients with early breast cancer at high risk following neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

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Functional and clinical studies reveal pathophysiological complexity of CLCN4-related neurodevelopmental condition.

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X-linked variations in SHROOM4 are implicated in congenital anomalies of the urinary tract and the anorectal, cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

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Transcript-Specific Loss-of-Function Variants in VPS16 Are Enriched in Patients With Dystonia.

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Neurol Genet. 7 December 2021
Identification of ZBTB26 as a Novel Risk Factor for Congenital Hypothyroidism.

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Genes. 24 November 2021
Europe’s Roma people are vulnerable to poor practice in genetics.

V. Lipphardt, M. Surdu, N. Ellebrecht, P. Pfaffelhuber, M. Wienroth, G. A. Rappold.

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Publisher Correction: Bortezomib-based induction, high-dose melphalan and lenalidomide maintenance in myeloma up to 70 years of age.

E. K. Mai, K. Miah, U. Bertsch, J. Dürig, C. Scheid, K. C. Weisel, C. Kunz, M. Munder, H. Lindemann, M. Merz, et al.

Leukemia. 16 November 2021
Prognostic impact of hypochromic erythrocytes in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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Respir Res. 9 November 2021
Bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in KIF21A cause severe fetal akinesia with arthrogryposis multiplex.

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J Med Genet. 5 November 2021
Isatuximab, carfilzomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone (Isa-KRd) in front-line treatment of high-risk multiple myeloma: interim analysis of the GMMG-CONCEPT trial.

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Translational pediatrics: clinical perspective for Phelan–McDermid syndrome and autism research.

Y. Sakai, S. Okuzono, C. P. Schaaf, S. Ohga.

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Prevalence of the GFI1-36N SNP in Multiple Myeloma Patients and Its Impact on the Prognosis.

C. Khandanpour, C. Eisfeld, S. C. Nimmagadda, M. S. Raab, N. Weinhold, A. Seckinger, D. Hose, A. Jauch, A. Försti, K. Hemminki, et al.

Front. Oncol.. 25 October 2021
Genetic Variation in ABCC4 and CFTR and Acute Pancreatitis during Treatment of Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

T. Bartram, P. Schütte, A. Möricke, R. S. Houlston, E. Ellinghaus, M. Zimmermann, A. Bergmann, B. Löscher, N. Klein, L. Hinze, et al.

JCM. 20 October 2021
The prognostic significance of [18F]FDG PET/CT in multiple myeloma according to novel interpretation criteria (IMPeTUs).

C. Sachpekidis, M. Merz, M. Raab, U. Bertsch, V. Weru, A. Kopp-Schneider, A. Jauch, H. Goldschmidt, A. Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss.

EJNMMI Res. 9 October 2021
A Comprehensive Assessment of Co-occurring Birth Defects among Infants with Non-Syndromic Anophthalmia or Microphthalmia.

J. M. Schraw, R. H. Benjamin, D. A. Scott, B. P. Brooks, R. B. Hufnagel, S. D. McLean, H. Northrup, P. H. Langlois, M. A. Canfield, A. E. Scheuerle, et al.

Ophthalmic epidemiology. October 2021
Enhancer-associated H3K4 methylation safeguards in vitro germline competence.

T. Bleckwehl, G. Crispatzu, K. Schaaf, P. Respuela, M. Bartusel, L. Benson, S. J. Clark, K. M. Dorighi, A. Barral, M. Laugsch, et al.

Nat Commun. 1 October 2021
Genetic testing and surveillance in infantile myofibromatosis: a report from the SIOPE Host Genome Working Group.

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Familial cancer. October 2021
Blood DNA methylation provides an accurate biomarker of KMT2B-related dystonia and predicts onset.

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Brain. 30 September 2021
Prognostic Impact of Serum Free Light Chain Ratio Normalization in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Treated within the GMMG-MM5 Trial.

E. Klein, D. Tichy, H. Salwender, E. Mai, J. Duerig, K. Weisel, A. Benner, U. Bertsch, M. Akhavanpoor, B. Besemer, et al.

Cancers. 28 September 2021
Novel pathogenic frameshift mutation in the POLH gene contributes to xeroderma pigmentosum variant type in a 16‐year‐old girl.

C. Dietrich, M. Salzmann, E. Streit, F. Toberer, S. Emmert, N. Dikow, H. Haenssle.

Australas J Dermatol. 27 September 2021
Breast cancer characteristics and surgery among women with Li‐Fraumeni syndrome in Germany—A retrospective cohort study.

N. Rippinger, C. Fischer, H. Sinn, N. Dikow, C. Sutter, K. Rhiem, S. Grill, F. W. Cremer, H. P. Nguyen, N. Ditsch, et al.

Cancer Med. 26 September 2021
Parental perceptions of genetic testing for children with autism spectrum disorders.

H. M. Lucas, A. M. Lewis, P. J. Lupo, C. P. Schaaf.

Am J Med Genet. 25 September 2021
Protect minorities in genetic research.

V. Lipphardt, G. A. Rappold, M. Surdu.

Science. 24 September 2021
MiRNA-149 as a Candidate for Facial Clefting and Neural Crest Cell Migration.

L. Stüssel, R. Hollstein, M. Laugsch, L. Hochfeld, J. Welzenbach, J. Schröder, F. Thieme, N. Ishorst, R. Romero, L. Weinhold, et al.

J Dent Res. 16 September 2021
De novo missense variants in FBXO11 alter its protein expression and subcellular localization.

A. Gregor, T. Meerbrei, T. Gerstner, A. Toutain, S. A. Lynch, K. Stals, C. Maxton, J. R. Lemke, J. A. Bernat, H. M. Bombei, et al.

Oxford University Press (OUP). 9 September 2021
The predictive ability of the 313 variant–based polygenic risk score for contralateral breast cancer risk prediction in women of European ancestry with a heterozygous BRCA1 or BRCA2 pathogenic variant.

I. M. Lakeman, A. J. van den Broek, J. A. Vos, D. R. Barnes, J. Adlard, I. L. Andrulis, A. Arason, N. Arnold, B. K. Arun, J. Balmaña, et al.

Genetics in Medicine. September 2021
FMR1 and AKT/mTOR Signaling in Human Granulosa Cells: Functional Interaction and Impact on Ovarian Response.

J. Rehnitz, E. Capp, B. Messmer, X. P. Nguyen, A. Germeyer, A. Freis, J. E. Dietrich, K. Hinderhofer, T. Strowitzki, P. H. Vogt.

JCM. 30 August 2021
Longitudinal analyses of CLL in mice identify leukemia-related clonal changes including a Myc gain predicting poor outcome in patients.

S. Öztürk, Y. Paul, S. Afzal, I. Gil-Farina, A. Jauch, P. Bruch, V. Kalter, B. Hanna, L. Arseni, P. M. Roessner, et al.

Leukemia. 20 August 2021
The pediatric precision oncology INFORM registry: clinical outcome and benefit for patients with very high-evidence targets.

C. M. van Tilburg, E. Pfaff, K. W. Pajtler, K. P. Langenberg, P. Fiesel, B. C. Jones, G. P. Balasubramanian, S. Stark, P. D. Johann, M. Blattner-Johnson, et al.

Cancer Discov. 9 August 2021
Assigning evidence to actionability: An introduction to variant interpretation in precision cancer medicine.

P. Horak, J. Leichsenring, H. Goldschmid, S. Kreutzfeldt, D. Kazdal, V. Teleanu, V. Endris, L. Gieldon, M. Allgäuer, A. Volckmar, et al.

Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 9 August 2021
Lenalidomide and dexamethasone in relapsed/refractory immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis: results from a large cohort of patients with long follow‐up.

M. Basset, C. R. Kimmich, N. Schreck, J. Krzykalla, T. Dittrich, K. Veelken, H. Goldschmidt, A. Seckinger, D. Hose, A. Jauch, et al.

Br J Haematol. 3 August 2021
Variants in PRKAR1B cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with autism spectrum disorder, apraxia, and insensitivity to pain.

F. Marbach, G. Stoyanov, F. Erger, C. A. Stratakis, N. Settas, E. London, J. A. Rosenfeld, E. Torti, C. Haldeman-Englert, E. Sklirou, et al.

Genetics in Medicine. August 2021
Corrigendum to “Patterns of co-occurring birth defects among infants with hypospadiasˮ [J Pediatr Urol 17 (2021) 64.e1–64.e8].

K. L. Ludorf, R. H. Benjamin, M. L. Navarro Sanchez, S. D. McLean, H. Northrup, L. E. Mitchell, P. H. Langlois, M. A. Canfield, A. E. Scheuerle, D. A. Scott, et al.

Journal of Pediatric Urology. August 2021
O’Donnell-Luria-Rodan syndrome: description of a second multinational cohort and refinement of the phenotypic spectrum.

C. Velmans, A. H. O'Donnell-Luria, E. Argilli, F. Tran Mau-them, A. Vitobello, M. C. Chan, J. L. Fung, M. Rech, A. Abicht, M. Aubert Mucca, et al.

J Med Genet. 28 July 2021
Breast and Prostate Cancer Risks for Male BRCA1 and BRCA2 Pathogenic Variant Carriers Using Polygenic Risk Scores.

D. R. Barnes, V. Silvestri, G. Leslie, L. McGuffog, J. Dennis, X. Yang, J. Adlard, B. A. Agnarsson, M. Ahmed, K. Aittomäki, et al.

Oxford University Press (OUP). 28 July 2021
A C‐terminal BCOR nonsense variant in a male patient expands the phenotypic spectrum of BCOR ‐associated syndromic microphthalmia.

E. M. C. Schwaibold, M. Brugger, M. Wagner.

Clinical Genetics. 26 July 2021
Correction: Imbalanced post- and extrasynaptic SHANK2A functions during development affect social behavior in SHANK2-mediated neuropsychiatric disorders.

A. Eltokhi, M. A. Gonzalez-Lozano, L. Oettl, A. Rozov, C. Pitzer, R. Röth, S. Berkel, M. Hüser, A. Harten, W. Kelsch, et al.

Mol Psychiatry. 8 July 2021
Further evidence for de novo variants in SYNCRIP as the cause of a neurodevelopmental disorder.

F. Semino, J. Schröter, M. H. Willemsen, T. Bast, S. Biskup, S. Beck‐Woedl, H. Brennenstuhl, C. P. Schaaf, S. Kölker, G. F. Hoffmann, et al.

Human Mutation. 5 July 2021
Performance of Breast Cancer Polygenic Risk Scores in 760 Female CHEK2 Germline Mutation Carriers.

J. Borde, C. Ernst, B. Wappenschmidt, D. Niederacher, K. Weber-Lassalle, G. Schmidt, J. Hauke, A. S. Quante, N. Weber-Lassalle, J. Horváth, et al.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1 July 2021
Birth defect co-occurrence patterns in the Texas Birth Defects Registry.

R. H. Benjamin, A. E. Scheuerle, D. A. Scott, M. L. Navarro Sanchez, P. H. Langlois, M. A. Canfield, H. Northrup, C. P. Schaaf, J. W. Ray, S. D. McLean, et al.

Pediatr Res. 30 June 2021
The alternative serotonin transporter promoter P2 impacts gene function in females with irritable bowel syndrome.

S. Mohr, N. Fritz, C. Hammer, C. Martínez, S. Berens, S. Schmitteckert, V. Wahl, M. Schmidt, L. A. Houghton, M. Goebel‐Stengel, et al.

J Cell Mol Med. 24 June 2021
Oncolytic H-1 parvovirus binds to sialic acid on laminins for cell attachment and entry.

A. Kulkarni, T. Ferreira, C. Bretscher, A. Grewenig, N. El-Andaloussi, S. Bonifati, T. Marttila, V. Palissot, J. A. Hossain, F. Azuaje, et al.

Nat Commun. 22 June 2021
Comprehensive Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis for Guiding Therapeutic Decisions in Patients with Rare Cancers.

P. Horak, C. Heining, S. Kreutzfeldt, B. Hutter, A. Mock, J. Hullein, M. Frohlich, S. Uhrig, A. Jahn, A. Rump, et al.

Cancer Discov. 10 June 2021
A retrospective analysis of growth hormone therapy in children with Schaaf–Yang syndrome.

N. R. Hebach, P. Caro, B. A. Martin‐Giacalone, P. J. Lupo, F. Marbach, D. Choukair, C. P. Schaaf.

Clinical Genetics. 6 June 2021
Evidence That Non-Syndromic Familial Tall Stature Has an Oligogenic Origin Including Ciliary Genes.

B. Weiss, B. Eberle, R. Roeth, C. de Bruin, J. C. Lui, N. Paramasivam, K. Hinderhofer, H. A. van Duyvenvoorde, J. Baron, J. M. Wit, et al.

Front. Endocrinol.. 4 June 2021
Chromosome 1q21 abnormalities refine outcome prediction in patients with multiple myeloma – a meta-analysis of 2,596 trial patients.

N. Weinhold, H. J. Salwender, D. A. Cairns, M. S. Raab, G. Waldron, I. W. Blau, U. Bertsch, T. Hielscher, G. J. Morgan, A. Jauch, et al.

haematol. 3 June 2021
Parkinson mice show functional and molecular changes in the gut long before motoric disease onset.

M. Gries, A. Christmann, S. Schulte, M. Weyland, S. Rommel, M. Martin, M. Baller, R. Röth, S. Schmitteckert, M. Unger, et al.

Mol Neurodegeneration. 2 June 2021
Characterization of SETD1A haploinsufficiency in humans and Drosophila defines a novel neurodevelopmental syndrome.

J. Kummeling, D. E. Stremmelaar, N. Raun, M. R. F. Reijnders, M. H. Willemsen, M. Ruiterkamp-Versteeg, M. Schepens, C. C. O. Man, C. Gilissen, M. T. Cho, et al.

Molecular psychiatry. June 2021
Cancer predisposition in pediatric neuro-oncology—practical approaches and ethical considerations.

S. Hirsch, N. Dikow, S. M. Pfister, K. W. Pajtler.

Neuro-Oncology Practice. 28 May 2021
Identification and Tissue-Specific Characterization of Novel SHOX-Regulated Genes in Zebrafish Highlights SOX Family Members Among Other Genes.

S. Hoffmann, R. Roeth, S. Diebold, J. Gogel, D. Hassel, S. Just, G. A. Rappold.

Front. Genet.. 27 May 2021
Long-term follow-up of subcutaneous versus intravenous bortezomib during induction therapy for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma treated within the GMMG-MM5 Phase III Trial.

H. Salwender, A. Elmaagacli, M. Merz, K. Miah, A. Benner, M. Haenel, C. Jehn, E. K. Mai, U. Bertsch, I. W. Blau, et al.

Leukemia. 24 May 2021
Imbalanced post- and extrasynaptic SHANK2A functions during development affect social behavior in SHANK2-mediated neuropsychiatric disorders.

A. Eltokhi, M. A. Gonzalez-Lozano, L. Oettl, A. Rozov, C. Pitzer, R. Röth, S. Berkel, M. Hüser, A. Harten, W. Kelsch, et al.

Mol Psychiatry. 21 May 2021
Overarching control of autophagy and DNA damage response by CHD6 revealed by modeling a rare human pathology.

Y. Kargapolova, R. Rehimi, H. Kayserili, J. Brühl, K. Sofiadis, A. Zirkel, S. Palikyras, A. Mizi, Y. Li, G. Yigit, et al.

Nat Commun. 21 May 2021
Daratumumab, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone in systemic light‐chain amyloidosis: High efficacy, relevant toxicity and main adverse effect of gain 1q21.

C. R. Kimmich, T. Terzer, A. Benner, T. Hansen, A. Carpinteiro, T. Dittrich, K. Veelken, A. Jauch, S. Huhn, M. Basset, et al.

Am J Hematol. 3 May 2021
Germline testing for homologous recombination repair genes-opportunities and challenges.

S. Hirsch, L. Gieldon, C. Sutter, N. Dikow, C. P. Schaaf.

Genes, chromosomes & cancer. May 2021
A versatile system to introduce clusters of genomic double-strand breaks in large cell populations.

T. Kolb, U. Khalid, M. Simović, M. Ratnaparkhe, J. Wong, A. Jauch, P. Schmezer, A. Rode, S. Sebban, D. Haag, et al.

Genes, chromosomes & cancer. May 2021
Emerging evidence for gene mutations driving both brain and gut dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder.

B. Niesler, G. A. Rappold.

Molecular psychiatry. May 2021
Birth Defect Co-Occurrence Patterns Among Infants With Cleft Lip and/or Palate.

M. L. N. Sanchez, R. H. Benjamin, L. E. Mitchell, P. H. Langlois, M. A. Canfield, M. D. Swartz, A. E. Scheuerle, D. A. Scott, H. Northrup, C. P. Schaaf, et al.

The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. 28 April 2021
Current recommendations for cancer surveillance in Gorlin syndrome: a report from the SIOPE host genome working group (SIOPE HGWG).

L. Guerrini-Rousseau, M. J. Smith, C. P. Kratz, B. Doergeloh, S. Hirsch, S. M. J. Hopman, M. Jorgensen, M. Kuhlen, O. Michaeli, T. Milde, et al.

Familial Cancer. 16 April 2021
Network-driven discovery yields new insight into Shox2-dependent cardiac rhythm control.

S. Hoffmann, S. Schmitteckert, K. Raedecke, D. Rheinert, S. Diebold, R. Roeth, B. Weiss, M. Granzow, B. Niesler, A. Griesbeck, et al.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. April 2021
CATCH: A Prospective Precision Oncology Trial in Metastatic Breast Cancer.

M. Hlevnjak, M. Schulze, S. Elgaafary, C. Fremd, L. Michel, K. Beck, K. Pfütze, D. Richter, S. Wolf, P. Horak, et al.

JCO Precision Oncology. April 2021
Salvage autologous transplant and lenalidomide maintenance vs. lenalidomide/dexamethasone for relapsed multiple myeloma: the randomized GMMG phase III trial ReLApsE.

H. Goldschmidt, M. A. Baertsch, J. Schlenzka, N. Becker, C. Habermehl, T. Hielscher, M. S. Raab, J. Hillengass, S. Sauer, C. Müller-Tidow, et al.

Leukemia. April 2021
Genomic newborn screening: Proposal of a two‐stage approach.

C. P. Schaaf, S. Kölker, G. F. Hoffmann.

Jrnl of Inher Metab Disea. 29 March 2021
young man carrying a novel heterozygote missense variant in PSTPIP1.

M. Kotzerke, F. Mitri, F. Marbach, A. Enk, H. Haenssle.

J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 15 March 2021
Bortezomib-based induction, high-dose melphalan and lenalidomide maintenance in myeloma up to 70 years of age.

E. K. Mai, K. Miah, U. Bertsch, J. Dürig, C. Scheid, K. C. Weisel, C. Kunz, M. Munder, H. W. Lindemann, M. Merz, et al.

Leukemia. March 2021
Selective elimination of immunosuppressive T cells in patients with multiple myeloma.

M. H. S. Awwad, A. Mahmoud, H. Bruns, H. Echchannaoui, K. Kriegsmann, R. Lutz, M. S. Raab, U. Bertsch, M. Munder, A. Jauch, et al.

Leukemia. 17 February 2021
Germ cell mosaicism for AUTS2 exon 6 deletion.

L. Gieldon, A. Jauch, K. Obeid, L. Kaufmann, K. Hinderhofer, U. Haug, U. Moog.

Am J Med Genet. 12 February 2021
Schaaf-Yang Syndrome

C. P. Schaaf, F. Marbach.

Gene Reviews. 11 February 2021
Locus heterogeneity in two siblings presenting with developmental delay, intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder.

M. Brugger, T. Brunet, M. Wagner, L. E. Orec, E. M. C. Schwaibold, N. Boy.

Gene. 5 February 2021
Current recommendations for clinical surveillance and genetic testing in rhabdoid tumor predisposition: a report from the SIOPE Host Genome Working Group.

M. C. Frühwald, K. Nemes, H. Boztug, M. C. A. Cornips, D. G. Evans, R. Farah, S. Glentis, M. Jorgensen, K. Katsibardi, S. Hirsch, et al.

Familial Cancer. 3 February 2021
Expression Profiling of Rectal Biopsies Suggests Altered Enteric Neuropathological Traits in Parkinson’s Disease Patients.

F. Cossais, E. Schaeffer, S. Heinzel, J. Zimmermann, B. Niesler, R. Röth, G. Rappold, A. Scharf, D. Zorenkov, C. Lange, et al.

JPD. 2 February 2021
A boy with Silver-Russell syndrome and Sotos syndrome.

E. M. C. Schwaibold, J. Beygo, K. Obeid, A. Jauch, K. Hinderhofer, U. Moog.

American journal of medical genetics. Part A. February 2021
Patterns of co-occurring birth defects among infants with hypospadias.

K. L. Ludorf, R. H. Benjamin, M. L. Navarro Sanchez, S. D. McLean, H. Northrup, L. E. Mitchell, P. H. Langlois, M. A. Canfield, A. E. Scheuerle, D. A. Scott, et al.

Journal of Pediatric Urology. February 2021
Disorders of the enteric nervous system — a holistic view.

B. Niesler, S. Kuerten, I. E. Demir, K. Schäfer.

Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 29 January 2021
Brain Network Analysis of EEG Recordings Can Be Used to Assess Cognitive Function in Teenagers With 15q13.3 Microdeletion Syndrome.

T. Stern, E. H. Crutcher, J. M. McCarthy, M. A. Ali, G. Issachar, A. B. Geva, Z. Peremen, C. P. Schaaf.

Front. Neurosci.. 28 January 2021
SHANK2 mutations impair apoptosis, proliferation and neurite outgrowth during early neuronal differentiation in SH-SY5Y cells.

C. Unsicker, F. Cristian, M. von Hahn, V. Eckstein, G. A. Rappold, S. Berkel.

Sci Rep. 22 January 2021
Analysis of nonleukemic cellular subcompartments reconstructs clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia and identifies therapy‐resistant preleukemic clones.

B. R. Saeed, L. Manta, S. Raffel, P. T. Pyl, E. C. Buss, W. Wang, V. Eckstein, A. Jauch, A. Trumpp, W. Huber, et al.

Int. J. Cancer. 18 January 2021
The Role of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

T. J. Konturek, C. Martinez, B. Niesler, I. van der Voort, H. Mönnikes, A. Stengel, M. Goebel-Stengel.

Front. Psychiatry. 14 January 2021
The Experience, Prerequisites, and the Barriers in Organizing a Specialized Rehabilitation Program for Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension.

E. Palevičiūtė, L. Gumbienė, E. Jurevičienė, T. Šimbelytė, I. Laucevičienė, A. Laucevičius, J. Barysienė, C. A. Eichstaedt, N. Benjamin, E. Grünig, et al.

Respiration. 2021
Effect of Supervised Training Therapy on Pulmonary Arterial Compliance and Stroke Volume in Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Inoperable or Persistent Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension.

C. Nagel, N. Benjamin, B. Egenlauf, C. A. Eichstaedt, C. Fischer, E. Palevičiūtė, J. Čelutkienė, S. Harutyunova, E. Mayer, M. Nasereddin, et al.

Respiration. 2021
Fecal Microbiome Diversity in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Clinical Subtypes.

J. Ramic, I. Milovac, Z. Mavija, N. Lojo-Kadric, M. Hadzic, S. Vidovic, B. Niesler, N. Dovrolis, M. Gazouli, N. Pojskic, et al.

Arch Clin Biomed Res. 2021
Lenalidomide versus bortezomib maintenance after frontline autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma.

M. Baertsch, E. K. Mai, T. Hielscher, U. Bertsch, H. J. Salwender, M. Munder, S. Fuhrmann, U. Dührsen, P. Brossart, et al.

Blood Cancer J. January 2021
Quantitative retrospective natural history modeling for orphan drug development.

S. F. Garbade, M. Zielonka, S. Komatsuzaki, S. Kölker, G. F. Hoffmann, K. Hinderhofer, W. K. Mountford, E. Mengel, T. Sláma, K. Mechler, et al.

Journal of inherited metabolic disease. January 2021
Right Heart Size and Right Ventricular Reserve in Pulmonary Hypertension: Impact on Management and Prognosis.

E. Grünig, C. A. Eichstaedt, R. Seeger, N. Benjamin.

Diagnostics. 21 December 2020
Bayesian Inference Associates Rare KDR Variants with Specific Phenotypes in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.

E. M. Swietlik, D. Greene, N. Zhu, K. Megy, M. Cogliano, S. Rajaram, D. Pandya, T. Tilly, K. A. Lutz, C. C. Welch, et al.

Circ: Genomic and Precision Medicine. 15 December 2020
Real-world outcomes in non-endemic hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis with polyneuropathy: a 20-year German single-referral centre experience.

M. N. Ungerer, E. Hund, J. C. Purrucker, L. Huber, C. Kimmich, F. aus dem Siepen, S. Hein, A. V. Kristen, K. Hinderhofer, J. Kollmer, et al.

Amyloid. 7 December 2020
Generation of two hiPSC lines from a patient with autism spectrum disorder harboring a 120 kb deletion in SHANK2 and two control lines from each parent.

F. B. Cristian, A. Köppel, J. Janssen, J. S. Utikal, G. A. Rappold, S. Berkel.

Stem cell research. December 2020
Mutations in the V-ATPase Assembly Factor VMA21 Cause a Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation With Autophagic Liver Disease.

M. Cannata Serio, L. A. Graham, A. Ashikov, L. E. Larsen, K. Raymond, S. Timal, G. Le Meur, M. Ryan, E. Czarnowska, J. C. Jansen, et al.

Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.). December 2020
Standardized exercise training is feasible, safe, and effective in pulmonary arterial and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: results from a large European multicentre randomized controlled trial.

E. Grünig, A. MacKenzie, A. J. Peacock, C. A. Eichstaedt, N. Benjamin, R. Nechwatal, S. Ulrich, S. Saxer, M. Bussotti, M. Sommaruga, et al.

Oxford University Press (OUP). 24 November 2020
Facebook Support Groups for Rare Pediatric Diseases: Quantitative Analysis.

S. C. Titgemeyer, C. P. Schaaf.

JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 19 November 2020
Chromothripsis in Human Breast Cancer.

M. Bolkestein, J. K. L. Wong, V. Thewes, V. Körber, M. Hlevnjak, S. Elgaafary, M. Schulze, F. K. F. Kommoss, H. P. Sinn, T. Anzeneder, et al.

Cancer research. 15 November 2020
A Novel Locus and Candidate Gene for Familial Developmental Dyslexia on Chromosome 4q.

T. Grimm, M. Garshasbi, L. Puettmann, W. Chen, R. Ullmann, B. Müller-Myhsok, E. Klopocki, L. Herbst, J. Haug, L. R. Jensen, et al.

Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie. November 2020
Birth defects that co-occur with non-syndromic gastroschisis and omphalocele.

O. O. Oluwafemi, R. H. Benjamin, M. L. Navarro Sanchez, A. E. Scheuerle, C. P. Schaaf, L. E. Mitchell, P. H. Langlois, M. A. Canfield, M. D. Swartz, D. A. Scott, et al.

American journal of medical genetics. Part A. November 2020
A complementary study approach unravels novel players in the pathoetiology of Hirschsprung disease.

T. Mederer, S. Schmitteckert, J. Volz, C. Martínez, R. Röth, T. Thumberger, V. Eckstein, J. Scheuerer, C. Thöni, F. Lasitschka, et al.

PLoS genetics. November 2020
Polysomnographic characteristics and sleep-disordered breathing in Schaaf-Yang syndrome.

W. T. Powell, C. P. Schaaf, M. E. Rech, J. Wrede.

Pediatric pulmonology. November 2020
Genotypic diversity and phenotypic spectrum of infantile liver failure syndrome type 1 due to variants in LARS1.

D. Lenz, D. E. C. Smith, E. Crushell, R. A. Husain, G. S. Salomons, B. Alhaddad, J. A. Bernstein, A. Bianzano, S. Biskup, H. Brennenstuhl, et al.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. November 2020
Acute Stanford type B aortic dissection—who benefits from genetic testing?.

P. Erhart, L. Gieldon, M. Ante, D. Körfer, T. Strom, C. Grond-Ginsbach, D. Böckler.

J Thorac Dis. November 2020
Globally altered epigenetic landscape and delayed osteogenic differentiation in H3.3-G34W-mutant giant cell tumor of bone.

P. Lutsik, A. Baude, D. Mancarella, S. Öz, A. Kühn, R. Toth, J. Hey, U. H. Toprak, J. Lim, V. H. Nguyen, et al.

Nature communications. 27 October 2020
The adult phenotype of Schaaf-Yang syndrome.

F. Marbach, M. Elgizouli, M. Rech, J. Beygo, F. Erger, C. Velmans, C. T. R. M. Stumpel, A. P. A. Stegmann, S. Beck-Wödl, G. Gillessen-Kaesbach, et al.

Orphanet journal of rare diseases. 19 October 2020
Precise Correction of Heterozygous SHOX2 Mutations in hiPSCs Derived from Patients with Atrial Fibrillation via Genome Editing and Sib Selection.

S. A. Sumer, S. Hoffmann, S. Laue, B. Campbell, K. Raedecke, V. Frajs, S. Clauss, S. Kääb, J. W. G. Janssen, A. Jauch, et al.

Stem cell reports. 13 October 2020
BMPR2 Promoter Variants Effect Gene Expression in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Patients.

J. Song, K. Hinderhofer, L. T. Kaufmann, N. Benjamin, C. Fischer, E. Grünig, C. A. Eichstaedt.

Genes. 6 October 2020
The expanding clinical phenotype of germline ABL1-associated congenital heart defects and skeletal malformations syndrome.

C. A. Chen, E. Crutcher, H. Gill, T. N. Nelson, L. A. Robak, M. C. J. Jongmans, R. Pfundt, C. Prasad, R. A. Berard, M. Fannemel, et al.

Human mutation. October 2020
Germline SDHB-inactivating mutation in gastric spindle cell sarcoma.

C. E. Heilig, P. Horak, D. B. Lipka, A. Mock, S. Uhrig, S. Kreutzfeldt, S. Richter, L. Gieldon, M. Fröhlich, B. Hutter, et al.

Genes, chromosomes & cancer. October 2020
Polygenic risk scores and breast and epithelial ovarian cancer risks for carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variants.

D. R. Barnes, M. A. Rookus, L. McGuffog, G. Leslie, T. M. Mooij, J. Dennis, N. Mavaddat, J. Adlard, M. Ahmed, K. Aittomäki, et al.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. October 2020
Characterisation of the novel spontaneously immortalized and invasively growing human skin keratinocyte line HaSKpw.

E. Pavez Lorie, N. Stricker, B. Plitta-Michalak, I. Chen, B. Volkmer, R. Greinert, A. Jauch, P. Boukamp, A. Rapp.

Sci Rep. 16 September 2020
Cancer surveillance and distress among adult pathogenic TP53 germline variant carriers in Germany: A multicenter feasibility and acceptance survey.

N. Rippinger, C. Fischer, M. W. Haun, K. Rhiem, S. Grill, M. Kiechle, F. W. Cremer, K. Kast, H. P. Nguyen, N. Ditsch, et al.

Cancer. 1 September 2020
Comparative expression profiling in the intestine of patients with Giardia-induced postinfectious functional gastrointestinal disorders.

C. Martínez, F. Lasitschka, C. Thöni, C. Wohlfarth, A. Braun, M. Granzow, R. Röth, V. Dizdar, G. A. Rappold, T. Hausken, et al.

Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society. September 2020
Two Cases of Recessive Intellectual Disability Caused by NDST1 and METTL23 Variants.

A. Khan, Z. Miao, M. Umair, A. Ullah, M. A. Alshabeeb, M. Bilal, F. Ahmad, G. A. Rappold, M. Ansar, R. Carapito.

Genes. 31 August 2020
Phenotypic and Imaging Spectrum Associated With WDR45.

L. A. Adang, A. Pizzino, A. Malhotra, H. Dubbs, C. Williams, O. Sherbini, A. K. Anttonen, G. Lesca, T. Linnankivi, C. Laurencin, et al.

Pediatric neurology. August 2020
Next Generation Sequencing of 134 Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Regression.

J. Yin, C. A. Chun, N. N. Zavadenko, N. L. Pechatnikova, O. Y. Naumova, H. V. Doddapaneni, J. Hu, D. M. Muzny, C. P. Schaaf, E. L. Grigorenko.

Genes. 25 July 2020
Response-adapted lenalidomide maintenance in newly diagnosed myeloma: results from the phase III GMMG-MM5 trial.

H. Goldschmidt, E. K. Mai, J. Dürig, C. Scheid, K. C. Weisel, C. Kunz, U. Bertsch, T. Hielscher, M. Merz, M. Munder, et al.

Leukemia. July 2020
Neurocognitive and Neurobehavioral Phenotype of Youth with Schaaf-Yang Syndrome.

M. M. Thomason, J. McCarthy, R. P. Goin-Kochel, L. R. Dowell, C. P. Schaaf, L. N. Berry.

Journal of autism and developmental disorders. July 2020

Functional interplay of Epstein-Barr virus oncoproteins in a mouse model of B cell lymphomagenesis.

T. Sommermann, T. Yasuda, J. Ronen, T. Wirtz, T. Weber, U. Sack, R. Caeser, J. Zhang, X. Li, V. T. Chu, et al.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 23 June 2020

Piperlongumine Acts as an Immunosuppressant by Exerting Prooxidative Effects in Human T Cells Resulting in Diminished TH17 but Enhanced Treg Differentiation.

J. Liang, J. D. Ziegler, B. Jahraus, C. Orlik, R. Blatnik, N. Blank, B. Niesler, G. Wabnitz, T. Ruppert, K. Hübner, et al.

Frontiers in immunology. 12 June 2020
NADPH oxidase subunit NOXO1 is a target for emphysema treatment in COPD.

M. Seimetz, N. Sommer, M. Bednorz, O. Pak, C. Veith, S. Hadzic, M. Gredic, N. Parajuli, B. Kojonazarov, S. Kraut, et al.

Nature metabolism. June 2020
A framework for an evidence-based gene list relevant to autism spectrum disorder.

C. P. Schaaf, C. Betancur, R. K. C. Yuen, J. R. Parr, D. H. Skuse, L. Gallagher, R. A. Bernier, J. A. Buchanan, J. D. Buxbaum, C. A. Chen, et al.

Nature reviews. Genetics. June 2020
Phenotypic expansion of Bosch-Boonstra-Schaaf optic atrophy syndrome and further evidence for genotype-phenotype correlations.

M. E. Rech, J. M. McCarthy, C. A. Chen, J. C. Edmond, V. S. Shah, D. G. M. Bosch, G. T. Berry, L. Williams, S. Madan-Khetarpal, D. Niyazov, et al.

American journal of medical genetics. Part A. June 2020
Risk stratification and prognostic factors in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and comorbidities a cross-sectional cohort study with survival follow-up.

P. Xanthouli, M. Koegler, A. M. Marra, N. Benjamin, L. Fischer, C. A. Eichstaedt, S. Harutyunova, C. Nagel, E. Grünig, B. Egenlauf.

Respiratory research. 24 May 2020
Can 18F-NaF PET/CT before Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation Predict Survival in Multiple Myeloma?.

C. Sachpekidis, A. Kopp-Schneider, M. Merz, A. Jauch, M. S. Raab, H. Goldschmidt, A. Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss.

Cancers. 23 May 2020
Frequency of KCNQ1 variants causing loss of methylation of Imprinting Centre 2 in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.

C. Eßinger, S. Karch, U. Moog, G. Fekete, A. Lengyel, E. Pinti, T. Eggermann, M. Begemann.

Clinical epigenetics. 11 May 2020
Myeloproliferative Diseases as Possible Risk Factor for Development of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension-A Genetic Study.

C. A. Eichstaedt, J. Verweyen, M. Halank, N. Benjamin, C. Fischer, E. Mayer, S. Guth, C. B. Wiedenroth, B. Egenlauf, S. Harutyunova, et al.

International journal of molecular sciences. 8 May 2020
Targetable ERBB2 mutations identified in neurofibroma/schwannoma hybrid nerve sheath tumors.

M. W. Ronellenfitsch, P. N. Harter, M. Kirchner, C. Heining, B. Hutter, L. Gieldon, J. Schittenhelm, M. U. Schuhmann, M. Tatagiba, G. Marquardt, et al.

The Journal of clinical investigation. 1 May 2020
The (pro)renin receptor: what's in a name?.

M. Simons, M. Bader, D. N. Müller.

Nature reviews. Nephrology. May 2020
Genetics of pulmonary hypertension and high-altitude pulmonary edema.

C. A. Eichstaedt, N. Benjamin, E. Grünig.

Journal of applied physiology. May 2020
Daratumumab for systemic AL amyloidosis: prognostic factors and adverse outcome with nephrotic-range albuminuria.

C. R. Kimmich, T. Terzer, A. Benner, T. Dittrich, K. Veelken, A. Carpinteiro, T. Hansen, H. Goldschmidt, A. Seckinger, D. Hose, et al.

Blood. 30 April 2020
Inhibition of HDAC6 activity protects dopaminergic neurons from alpha-synuclein toxicity.

L. Francelle, T. F. Outeiro, G. A. Rappold.

Scientific reports. 8 April 2020
Cytogenetic subclone formation and evolution in progressive smoldering multiple myeloma.

M. Merz, T. Hielscher, D. Schult, E. K. Mai, M. S. Raab, J. Hillengass, A. Seckinger, D. Hose, M. Granzow, A. Jauch, et al.

Leukemia. April 2020
Criteria of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer for the Classification of Germline Sequence Variants in Risk Genes for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer.

B. Wappenschmidt, J. Hauke, U. Faust, D. Niederacher, L. Wiesmüller, G. Schmidt, E. Groß, A. Gehrig, C. Sutter, J. Ramser, et al.

Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde. April 2020
ABCB1/4 gallbladder cancer risk variants identified in India also show strong effects in Chileans.

F. Boekstegers, K. Marcelain, C. Barahona Ponce, P. F. Baez Benavides, B. Müller, G. de Toro, J. Retamales, O. Barajas, M. Ahumada, E. Morales, et al.

Cancer epidemiology. April 2020
POLR3A variants with striatal involvement and extrapyramidal movement disorder.

I. Harting, M. Al-Saady, I. Krägeloh-Mann, A. Bley, M. Hempel, T. Bierhals, S. Karch, U. Moog, G. Bernard, R. Huntsman, et al.

Neurogenetics. April 2020
Molecular Characterization of Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Neural Crest-Like Cells Revealed a Spatiotemporal Expression of an Mlc-3 Isoform.

S. Schmitteckert, C. Ziegler, G. A. Rappold, B. Niesler, A. Rolletschek.

IJSC. 30 March 2020
Fatal amyloid formation in a patient's antibody light chain is caused by a single point mutation.

P. Kazman, M. T. Vielberg, M. D. Pulido Cendales, L. Hunziger, B. Weber, U. Hegenbart, M. Zacharias, R. Köhler, S. Schönland, M. Groll, et al.

eLife. 10 March 2020
Therapeutic potential of KLF2-induced exosomal microRNAs in pulmonary hypertension.

H. A. Sindi, G. Russomanno, S. Satta, V. B. Abdul-Salam, K. B. Jo, B. Qazi-Chaudhry, A. J. Ainscough, R. Szulcek, H. Jan Bogaard, C. C. Morgan, et al.

Nature communications. 4 March 2020
Defining clinical subgroups and genotype-phenotype correlations in NBAS-associated disease across 110 patients.

C. Staufner, B. Peters, M. Wagner, S. Alameer, I. Barić, P. Broué, D. Bulut, J. A. Church, E. Crushell, B. Dalgıç, et al.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. March 2020
Genetic Predisposition to High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema.

C. A. Eichstaedt, H. Mairbäurl, J. Song, N. Benjamin, C. Fischer, C. Dehnert, K. Schommer, M. M. Berger, P. Bärtsch, E. Grünig, K. Hinderhofer.

High Altitude Medicine & Biology. 1 March 2020
The genomic and clinical landscape of fetal akinesia.

M. Pergande, S. Motameny, Ö. Özdemir, M. Kreutzer, H. Wang, H. S. Daimagüler, K. Becker, M. Karakaya, H. Ehrhardt, N. Elcioglu, et al.

Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. March 2020
An Animal Model Further Uncovers the Role of Mutant Braf during Papillary Thyroid Cancer Development.

B. Koelsch, S. Theurer, M. Staniszewska, J. Heupel, A. Koch, S. Mergener, F. Walk, C. Fischer, A. Kutritz, K. W. Schmid, et al.

The American Journal of Pathology. March 2020
Umstrukturierung der Risikoberechnung für die intensivierte Früherkennung im Deutschen Konsortium für Brust- und Eierstockkrebs.

A. S. Quante, C. Engel, M. Kiechle, R. K. Schmutzler, C. Fischer.

Gynäkologe. 28 February 2020
Disorders Caused by Genetic Mosaicism.

U. Moog, U. Felbor, C. Has, B. Zirn.

Deutsches Arzteblatt international. 21 February 2020
Heterogeneity of response to immune checkpoint blockade in hypermutated experimental gliomas.

K. Aslan, V. Turco, J. Blobner, J. K. Sonner, A. R. Liuzzi, N. G. Núñez, D. De Feo, P. Kickingereder, M. Fischer, E. Green, et al.

Nature communications. 18 February 2020
Breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and noncarriers under prospective intensified surveillance.

C. Engel, C. Fischer, S. Zachariae, K. Bucksch, K. Rhiem, J. Giesecke, N. Herold, B. Wappenschmidt, V. Hübbel, M. Maringa, et al.

International journal of cancer. 15 February 2020
Combination of whole exome sequencing and animal modeling identifies TMPRSS9 as a candidate gene for autism spectrum disorder.

C. A. Chen, R. Pal, J. Yin, H. Tao, A. Amawi, A. Sabo, M. N. Bainbridge, R. A. Gibbs, H. Y. Zoghbi, C. P. Schaaf.

Human molecular genetics. 1 February 2020
Partial Loss of USP9X Function Leads to a Male Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Disorder Converging on Transforming Growth Factor β Signaling.

B. V. Johnson, R. Kumar, S. Oishi, S. Alexander, M. Kasherman, M. S. Vega, A. Ivancevic, A. Gardner, D. Domingo, M. Corbett, et al.

Biological psychiatry. 15 January 2020
Human C-terminal CUBN variants associate with chronic proteinuria and normal renal function.

M. Bedin, O. Boyer, A. Servais, Y. Li, L. Villoing-Gaudé, M. J. Tête, A. Cambier, J. Hogan, V. Baudouin, S. Krid, et al.

The Journal of clinical investigation. 2 January 2020
Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes.

L. Fachal, H. Aschard, J. Beesley, D. R. Barnes, J. Allen, S. Kar, K. A. Pooley, J. Dennis, K. Michailidou, C. Turman, et al.

Nature genetics. January 2020
Identification of Transient Receptor Potential Channel 4-Associated Protein as a Novel Candidate Gene Causing Congenital Primary Hypothyroidism.

D. Choukair, B. Eberle, P. Vick, P. Hermanns, B. Weiss, N. Paramasivam, M. Schlesner, K. Lornsen, R. Roeth, C. Klutmann, et al.

Hormone research in paediatrics. 2020
Supervised Exercise Training in Patients with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension as Early Follow-Up Treatment after Pulmonary Endarterectomy: A Prospective Cohort Study.

C. Nagel, M. Nasereddin, N. Benjamin, B. Egenlauf, S. Harutyunova, C. A. Eichstaedt, P. Xanthouli, E. Mayer, E. Grünig, S. Guth.

Respiration. 2020
Patients with Multiple Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs) Show Increased Illness Severity: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Tertiary Care FGID Specialty Clinic.

S. Berens, F. Engel, A. Gauss, J. Tesarz, W. Herzog, B. Niesler, E. Stroe-Kunold, R. Schaefert.

Gastroenterology research and practice. 2020
Genetische Diagnostik in der Gefäßmedizin.

P. Erhart, L. Gieldon, C. Grond-Ginsbach, D. Böckler.

Gefässchirurgie. 19 December 2019
Pädiatrie. Entwicklungsstörungen und Behinderungen.

U. Moog, R. Blank.

Springer. March 2019
Expression Analysis of ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters ABCB11 and ABCB4 in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Variety of Pediatric and Adult Cholestatic and Noncholestatic Liver Diseases.

C. Thoeni, R. Waldherr, J. Scheuerer, S. Schmitteckert, R. Roeth, B. Niesler, E. Cutz, C. Flechtenmacher, B. Goeppert, P. Schirmacher, et al.

Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 10 December 2019
Truncating variants in UBAP1 associated with childhood‐onset nonsyndromic hereditary spastic paraplegia.

S. Gu, C. Chen, J. A. Rosenfeld, H. Cope, N. Launay, K. M. Flanigan, M. A. Waldrop, R. Schrader, J. Juusola, O. Goker‐Alpan, et al.

Human Mutation. 25 November 2019
Association of Genomic Domains in BRCA1 and BRCA2 with Prostate Cancer Risk and Aggressiveness.

V. L. Patel, E. L. Busch, T. M. Friebel, A. Cronin, G. Leslie, L. McGuffog, J. Adlard, S. Agata, B. A. Agnarsson, M. Ahmed, et al.

Cancer Res. 13 November 2019
mTOR and autophagy pathways are dysregulated in murine and human models of Schaaf-Yang syndrome.

E. Crutcher, R. Pal, F. Naini, P. Zhang, M. Laugsch, J. Kim, A. Bajic, C. P. Schaaf.

Sci Rep. 4 November 2019
Mutations in ASH1L confer susceptibility to Tourette syndrome.

S. Liu, M. Tian, F. He, J. Li, H. Xie, W. Liu, Y. Zhang, R. Zhang, M. Yi, F. Che, et al.

Mol Psychiatry. 31 October 2019
Dietary tryptophan links encephalogenicity of autoreactive T cells with gut microbial ecology.

J. K. Sonner, M. Keil, M. Falk-Paulsen, N. Mishra, A. Rehman, M. Kramer, K. Deumelandt, J. Röwe, K. Sanghvi, L. Wolf, et al.

Nat Commun. 25 October 2019
Gastrointestinal dysfunction in autism displayed by altered motility and achalasia in Foxp1+/− mice.

H. Fröhlich, M. L. Kollmeyer, V. C. Linz, M. Stuhlinger, D. Groneberg, A. Reigl, E. Zizer, A. Friebe, B. Niesler, G. Rappold.

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Nr2f1 heterozygous knockout mice recapitulate neurological phenotypes of Bosch-Boonstra-Schaaf optic atrophy syndrome and show impaired hippocampal synaptic plasticity.

C. Chen, W. Wang, S. E. Pedersen, A. Raman, M. L. Seymour, F. R. Ruiz, A. Xia, M. E. van der Heijden, L. Wang, J. Yin, et al.

Human Molecular Genetics. 10 October 2019
Mecp2 Deletion from Cholinergic Neurons Selectively Impairs Recognition Memory and Disrupts Cholinergic Modulation of the Perirhinal Cortex.

E. C. Ballinger, C. P. Schaaf, A. J. Patel, A. de Maio, H. Tao, D. A. Talmage, H. Y. Zoghbi, L. W. Role.

eNeuro. 27 September 2019
Large scale multifactorial likelihood quantitative analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants: An ENIGMA resource to support clinical variant classification.

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Human Mutation. September 2019
Investigating the effects of additional truncating variants in DNA-repair genes on breast cancer risk in BRCA1-positive women.

I. Sepahi, U. Faust, M. Sturm, K. Bosse, M. Kehrer, T. Heinrich, K. Grundman-Hauser, P. Bauer, S. Ossowski, H. Susak, et al.

BMC Cancer. 8 August 2019
Pathogenic variants in USP7 cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with speech delays, altered behavior, and neurologic anomalies.

M. D. Fountain, D. S. Oleson, M. E. Rech, L. Segebrecht, J. V. Hunter, J. M. McCarthy, P. J. Lupo, M. Holtgrewe, R. Moran, J. A. Rosenfeld, et al.

Genetics in Medicine. August 2019
Correlation of NRF2 and progesterone receptor and its effects on ovarian cancer biology.

B. Czogalla, M. Kahaly, D. Mayr, E. Schmoeckel, B. Niesler, A. Hester, C. Zeder-Göß, T. Kolben, A. Burges, S. Mahner, et al.

CMAR. August 2019
Abnormalities of mucosal serotonin metabolism and 5-HT3receptor subunit 3C polymorphism in irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea predict responsiveness to ondansetron.

D. Gunn, K. Garsed, C. Lam, G. Singh, M. Lingaya, V. Wahl, B. Niesler, A. Henry, I. P. Hall, P. Whorwell, et al.

Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 24 July 2019
Keratinocytes costimulate naive human T cells via CD2: a potential target to prevent the development of proinflammatory Th1 cells in the skin.

C. Orlik, D. Deibel, J. Küblbeck, E. Balta, S. Ganskih, J. Habicht, B. Niesler, J. Schröder-Braunstein, K. Schäkel, G. Wabnitz, et al.

Cell Mol Immunol. 19 July 2019
Postnatal human enteric neurospheres show a remarkable molecular complexity.

S. Schmitteckert, T. Mederer, R. Röth, P. Günther, S. Holland‐Cunz, M. Metzger, Y. Samstag, J. Schröder‐Braunstein, G. Wabnitz, S. Kurzhals, et al.

Neurogastroenterology & Motility. 18 July 2019
Co-occurring defect analysis: A platform for analyzing birth defect co‐occurrence in registries.

R. H. Benjamin, X. Yu, M. L. Navarro Sanchez, H. Chen, L. E. Mitchell, P. H. Langlois, M. A. Canfield, M. D. Swartz, A. E. Scheuerle, D. A. Scott, et al.

Birth Defects Research. 16 July 2019
Functional Characterization of Rare Variants in the SHOX2 Gene Identified in Sinus Node Dysfunction and Atrial Fibrillation.

S. Hoffmann, C. Paone, S. A. Sumer, S. Diebold, B. Weiss, R. Roeth, S. Clauss, I. Klier, S. Kääb, A. Schulz, et al.

Front. Genet.. 11 July 2019
Mutually reinforcing effects of genetic variants and interferon-β 1a therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension development in multiple sclerosis patients.

M. Lerche, C. A. Eichstaedt, K. Hinderhofer, E. Grünig, K. Tausche, T. Ziemssen, M. Halank, H. Wirtz, H. Seyfarth.

Pulm Circ. July 2019
Reanalysis of Clinical Exome Sequencing Data.

P. Liu, L. Meng, E. A. Normand, F. Xia, X. Song, A. Ghazi, J. Rosenfeld, P. L. Magoulas, A. Braxton, P. Ward, et al.

N Engl J Med. 20 June 2019
Which genes to assess in the NGS diagnostics of intellectual disability? The case for a consensus database-driven and expert-curated approach.

F. Erger, C. P. Schaaf, C. Netzer.

Molecular and Cellular Probes. June 2019
Hypoxic Environment Promotes Barrier Formation in Human Intestinal Epithelial Cells through Regulation of MicroRNA 320a Expression.

S. Muenchau, R. Deutsch, I. J. de Castro, T. Hielscher, N. Heber, B. Niesler, M. Lusic, M. L. Stanifer, S. Boulant.

Mol Cell Biol. 6 May 2019
X-linked myotubular myopathy and recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax.

P. Carstens, E. M. C. Schwaibold, K. Schregel, C. D. Obermaier, A. Wrede, S. Zechel, S. Pauli, J. Schmidt.

Neurol Genet. 26 April 2019
Aberrant brain structural large‐scale connectome in Crohn’s disease.

A. K. Thomann, W. Reindl, T. Wüstenberg, D. Kmuche, M. P. Ebert, K. Szabo, R. C. Wolf, D. Hirjak, B. Niesler, M. Griebe, et al.

Neurogastroenterology & Motility. 14 April 2019
Clinical exome sequencing reveals locus heterogeneity and phenotypic variability of cohesinopathies.

B. Yuan, J. Neira, D. Pehlivan, T. Santiago-Sim, X. Song, J. Rosenfeld, J. E. Posey, V. Patel, W. Jin, M. P. Adam, et al.

Genetics in Medicine. March 2019
The GPRC5A frameshift variant c.183del is not associated with increased breast cancer risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers.

K. Klaschik, J. Hauke, G. Neidhardt, C. Tränkle, H. M. Surowy, S. Heilmann‐Heimbach, G. Rappl, E. Mangold, N. Arnold, D. Niederacher, et al.

Int. J. Cancer. 6 January 2019
Side Effects and Behavioral Outcomes Following High-Dose Carnitine Supplementation Among Young Males With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study.

R. P. Goin-Kochel, F. Scaglia, C. P. Schaaf, L. N. Berry, D. Dang, K. P. Nowel, A. L. Laakman, L. R. Dowell, C. G. Minard, A. Loh, et al.

Global Pediatric Health. January 2019
Indikationsstellung zur prophylaktischen Mastektomie.

S. Oral, E. Katagis, N. Rippinger, J. Nees, J. Heil, C. Sutter, N. Dikow, I. Maatouk, S. Schott.

Gynäkologische Praxis. 2019


Interaction of ERα and NRF2 Impacts Survival in Ovarian Cancer Patients.

B. Czogalla, M. Kahaly, D. Mayr, E. Schmoeckel, B. Niesler, T. Kolben, A. Burges, S. Mahner, U. Jeschke, F. Trillsch.

IJMS. 29 December 2018
An update on oculocerebrocutaneous (Delleman-Oorthuys) syndrome.

U. Moog, W. B. Dobyns.

Am J Med Genet. December 2018
Right ventricular size and function under riociguat in pulmonary arterial hypertension and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (the RIVER study).

A. M. Marra, M. Halank, N. Benjamin, E. Bossone, A. Cittadini, C. A. Eichstaedt, B. Egenlauf, S. Harutyunova, C. Fischer, H. Gall, et al.

Respir Res. December 2018
Pathobiology, pathology and genetics of pulmonary hypertension: Update from the Cologne Consensus Conference 2018.

A. Olschewski, E. M. Berghausen, C. A. Eichstaedt, B. K. Fleischmann, E. Grünig, G. Grünig, G. Hansmann, L. Harbaum, J. K. Hennigs, D. Jonigk, et al.

International Journal of Cardiology. December 2018
Sulforaphane Inhibits Inflammatory Responses of Primary Human T-Cells by Increasing ROS and Depleting Glutathione.

J. Liang, B. Jahraus, E. Balta, J. D. Ziegler, K. Hübner, N. Blank, B. Niesler, G. H. Wabnitz, Y. Samstag.

Front. Immunol.. 14 November 2018
Defective DNA damage repair leads to frequent catastrophic genomic events in murine and human tumors.

M. Ratnaparkhe, J. K. L. Wong, P. Wei, M. Hlevnjak, T. Kolb, M. Simovic, D. Haag, Y. Paul, F. Devens, P. Northcott, et al.

Nat Commun. 12 November 2018
Right heart size and function significantly correlate in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension – a cross-sectional study.

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Respir Res. 8 November 2018
Magel2 Modulates Bone Remodeling and Mass in Prader‐Willi Syndrome by Affecting Oleoyl Serine Levels and Activity.

S. Baraghithy, R. Smoum, A. Drori, R. Hadar, A. Gammal, S. Hirsch, M. Attar‐Namdar, A. Nemirovski, Y. Gabet, Y. Langer, et al.

J Bone Miner Res. 22 October 2018
Height and Body Mass Index as Modifiers of Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers: A Mendelian Randomization Study.

F. Qian, S. Wang, J. Mitchell, L. McGuffog, D. Barrowdale, G. Leslie, J. C. Oosterwijk, W. K. Chung, D. G. Evans, C. Engel, et al.

JNCI. 12 October 2018
Sex Hormones Regulate SHANK Expression.

S. Berkel, A. Eltokhi, H. Fröhlich, D. Porras-Gonzalez, R. Rafiullah, R. Sprengel, G. A. Rappold.

Front. Mol. Neurosci.. 25 September 2018
Topokaryotyping demonstrates single cell variability and stress dependent variations in nuclear envelope associated domains.

A. Jurisic, C. Robin, P. Tarlykov, L. Siggens, B. Schoell, A. Jauch, K. Ekwall, C. S. Sørensen, M. Lipinski, M. Shoaib, et al.

Nucleic Acids Research. 12 September 2018
Funding for gastrointestinal disease research in the European Union.

H. Törnblom, M. Simrén, G. Barbara, B. Niesler.

The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. September 2018
CD38 as Immunotherapeutic Target in Light Chain Amyloidosis and Multiple Myeloma—Association With Molecular Entities, Risk, Survival, and Mechanisms of Upfront Resistance.

A. Seckinger, J. Hillengass, M. Emde, S. Beck, C. Kimmich, T. Dittrich, M. Hundemer, A. Jauch, U. Hegenbart, M. Raab, et al.

Front. Immunol.. 20 July 2018
Distinct Phenotypes of Shank2 Mouse Models Reflect Neuropsychiatric Spectrum Disorders of Human Patients With SHANK2 Variants.

A. Eltokhi, G. Rappold, R. Sprengel.

Front. Mol. Neurosci.. 19 July 2018
Systematic RNA-interference in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages: A high-throughput platform to study foam cell formation.

G. Domschke, F. Linden, L. Pawig, A. Hafner, M. Akhavanpoor, J. Reymann, A. O. Doesch, C. Erbel, C. Weber, H. A. Katus, et al.

Sci Rep. 12 July 2018
Molecular Diagnostics in Pediatric Brain Tumors: Impact on Diagnosis and Clinical Decision-Making — A Selected Case Series.

H. Bächli, J. Ecker, C. van Tilburg, D. Sturm, F. Selt, F. Sahm, C. Koelsche, K. Grund, C. Sutter, T. Pietsch, et al.

Klin Padiatr. 11 July 2018
Cytogenetic abnormalities in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance.

M. Merz, T. Hielscher, K. Hoffmann, A. Seckinger, D. Hose, M. S. Raab, J. Hillengass, A. Jauch, H. Goldschmidt.

Leukemia. 6 July 2018
Identification of SLC20A1 and SLC15A4 among other genes as potential risk factors for combined pituitary hormone deficiency.

F. Simm, A. Griesbeck, D. Choukair, B. Weiß, N. Paramasivam, J. Klammt, M. Schlesner, S. Wiemann, C. Martinez, G. F. Hoffmann, et al.

Genetics in Medicine. July 2018
Uniparental isodisomy as a cause of recessive Mendelian disease: a diagnostic pitfall with a quick and easy solution in medium/large NGS analyses.

F. Erger, K. Burau, M. Elsässer, K. Zimmermann, U. Moog, C. Netzer.

Eur J Hum Genet. 11 June 2018
Spectrum and prevalence of genetic predisposition in medulloblastoma: a retrospective genetic study and prospective validation in a clinical trial cohort.

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The Lancet Oncology. June 2018
Functional missense and splicing variants in the retinoic acid catabolizing enzyme CYP26C1 in idiopathic short stature.

A. Montalbano, L. Juergensen, M. Fukami, C. T. Thiel, N. H. Hauer, R. Roeth, B. Weiss, Y. Naiki, T. Ogata, D. Hassel, et al.

Eur J Hum Genet. 30 April 2018
Single CpG hypermethylation, allele methylation errors, and decreased expression of multiple tumor suppressor genes in normal body cells of mutation‐negative early‐onset and high‐risk breast cancer patients.

J. Böck, S. Appenzeller, L. Haertle, T. Schneider, A. Gehrig, J. Schröder, S. Rost, B. Wolf, C. R. Bartram, C. Sutter, et al.

Int. J. Cancer. 25 April 2018
IKZF1plus Defines a New Minimal Residual Disease–Dependent Very-Poor Prognostic Profile in Pediatric B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

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JCO. 20 April 2018
A direct regulatory link between microRNA-137 and SHANK2: implications for neuropsychiatric disorders.

A. de Sena Cortabitarte, S. Berkel, F. Cristian, C. Fischer, G. A. Rappold.

J Neurodevelop Disord. 17 April 2018
Genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for B-cell childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

J. Vijayakrishnan, J. Studd, P. Broderick, B. Kinnersley, A. Holroyd, P. J. Law, R. Kumar, J. M. Allan, C. J. Harrison, et al.

Nat Commun. 9 April 2018
Incidence of pulmonary hypertension and determining factors in patients with systemic sclerosis.

J. G. Coghlan, M. Wolf, O. Distler, C. P. Denton, M. Doelberg, S. Harutyunova, A. M. Marra, N. Benjamin, C. Fischer, E. Grünig.

Eur Respir J. 21 March 2018
Mutational spectrum in a worldwide study of 29,700 families withBRCA1orBRCA2mutations.

T. R. Rebbeck, T. M. Friebel, E. Friedman, U. Hamann, D. Huo, A. Kwong, E. Olah, O. I. Olopade, A. R. Solano, S. Teo, et al.

Human Mutation. 12 March 2018
Gene panel testing of 5589 BRCA1/2 -negative index patients with breast cancer in a routine diagnostic setting: results of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer.

J. Hauke, J. Horvath, E. Groß, A. Gehrig, E. Honisch, K. Hackmann, G. Schmidt, N. Arnold, U. Faust, C. Sutter, et al.

Cancer Med. 9 March 2018
The ciliopathy protein TALPID3/KIAA0586 acts upstream of Rab8 activation in zebrafish photoreceptor outer segment formation and maintenance.

I. Ojeda Naharros, F. B. Cristian, J. Zang, M. Gesemann, P. W. Ingham, S. C. F. Neuhauss, R. Bachmann-Gagescu.

Sci Rep. 2 February 2018
Pilot-RCT of an integrative group therapy for patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome (ISRCTN02977330).

S. Berens, E. Stroe-Kunold, F. Kraus, J. Tesarz, A. Gauss, B. Niesler, W. Herzog, R. Schaefert.

Journal of Psychosomatic Research. February 2018
Cytogenetic aberrations in multiple myeloma are associated with shifts in serum immunoglobulin isotypes distribution and levels.

P. Yadav, M. Merz, E. K. Mai, A. Försti, A. Jauch, H. Goldschmidt, K. Hemminki.

Haematologica. 1 February 2018
A Mild PUM1 Mutation Is Associated with Adult-Onset Ataxia, whereas Haploinsufficiency Causes Developmental Delay and Seizures.

V. A. Gennarino, E. E. Palmer, L. M. McDonell, L. Wang, C. J. Adamski, A. Koire, L. See, C. Chen, C. P. Schaaf, J. A. Rosenfeld, et al.

Cell. February 2018
Reduced-Intensity Delayed Intensification in Standard-Risk Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Defined by Undetectable Minimal Residual Disease: Results of an International Randomized Trial (AIEOP-BFM ALL 2000).

M. Schrappe, K. Bleckmann, M. Zimmermann, A. Biondi, A. Möricke, F. Locatelli, G. Cario, C. Rizzari, A. Attarbaschi, M. G. Valsecchi, et al.

JCO. 20 January 2018
Right Ventricular Index for Risk Stratification of Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.

C. Sinning, L. Harbaum, B. Schrage, N. Rübsamen, C. Magnussen, B. Waschki, W. Kleemann, K. Baaske, M. Kögler, F. Ojeda, et al.

Respiration. 2018

Mutations of AKT3 are associated with a wide spectrum of developmental disorders including extreme megalencephaly. 

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DDX3X mutations in two girls with a phenotype overlapping Toriello-Carey syndrome.

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First identification of Kruppel-like factor 2 mutation in heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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Plasma Drug Concentrations in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension on Combination Treatment.

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Comparative expression analysis of Shox2-deficient embryonic stem cell-derived sinoatrial node-like cells.

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De Novo Mutations in Protein Kinase Genes CAMK2A and CAMK2B Cause Intellectual Disability.

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Identification of 12 new susceptibility loci for different histotypes of epithelial ovarian cancer.

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FOXP2 variants in 14 individuals with developmental speech and language disorders broaden the mutational and clinical spectrum. 

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Expanding Phenotype of De Novo Mutations in GNAO1: Four New Cases and Review of Literature.

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Five children with deletions of 1p34.3 encompassing AGO1 and AGO3

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