Hedi Kriit
Hedi Kriit is a post-doctoral fellow and her project will focus on assessing the health and economic burden of heatwaves in Germany using machine learning methods. Hedi Kriit has a master in Public Health with a specification towards health economics. She was awarded with the best master thesis after her studies. Her PhD from Umeå Univeristy was an interdisciplinary work where she assessed the health and economic effect of sustainable transport solutions. She has also studied both short and long-term air pollution health effects. She has been successful co-applicant writing both national and international grants during her PhD studies. Her interest is apply statistical methods for causal estimation of enviornmental stressors using obesrvational data. She thrives working interdiciplinary by linking knowledge and methods from climate, health and economics. With an aim to provide for more complete understaning of climate change effects that are occuring and currenlty unaccounted for in policy making.
Kriit HK. Improved health economic assessments of sustainable transport solutions in urban environments, PhD-Thesis, Umeå University. 2022
Kriit HK, Andersson EM, Carlsen HK, Andersson N, Ljungman PLS, Pershagen G, et al. Using Distributed Lag Non-Linear Models to Estimate Exposure Lag-Response Associations between Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure and Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(5).
Kriit HK, Nilsson Sommar J, Forsberg B, Åström S, Svensson M, Johansson C. A health economic assessment of air pollution effects under climate neutral vehicle fleet scenarios in Stockholm, Sweden. Journal of Transport & Health. 2021;22:101084.
Veber T, Tamm T, Ründva M, Kriit HK, Pyko A, Orru H. Health impact assessment of transportation noise in two Estonian cities. Environ Res. 2021.
Kriit HK, Forsberg B, Åström DO, Oudin A. Annual dementia incidence and monetary burden attributable to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure in Sweden. Environmental Health. 2021;20(1):65.
Sjödin H, Johansson AF, Brännström Å, Farooq Z, Kriit HK, Wilder-Smith A, et al. COVID-19 healthcare demand and mortality in Sweden in response to non-pharmaceutical mitigation and suppression scenarios. Int J Epidemiol. 2020;49(5):1443-53.
Kriit HK, Williams JS, Lindholm L, Forsberg B, Nilsson Sommar J. Health economic assessment of a scenario to promote bicycling as active transport in Stockholm, Sweden. BMJ Open. 2019;9(9):e030466.