Portrait of Prof. Dr. med. Andreas von Deimling

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas von Deimling

Ärztlicher Direktor (Neuropathologie)

06221 56-4650

Ärztlicher / Beruflicher Werdegang


MD Degree, University of Freiburg


Medical Thesis (Promotion), University of Freiburg

1988 – 1990

Resident Neuropathology, University of Zurich, Switzerland

1990 – 1992

Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard, USA

1992 – 1995

Resident Neuropathology, University of Bonn


Board Certification Neuropathology and Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification (Habilitation), University of Bonn

1995 – 1998

Consultant and Associate Professor, University of Bonn

1998 – 2006

Chairman and Full Professor Neuropathology, Charité Berlin

seit 2007

Chairman and Full Professor Neuropathology, University of Heidelberg

seit 2007

Head of the Clinical Cooperation Unit Neuropathology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg

Research Focus

Pathology of tumors of the central and peripheral nervous systems Molecular genetics of tumors of the central and peripheral nervous systems For specific information: (von*deimling a)

Sekretariat Abteilung für Neuropathologie