
Dr. rer. nat. Radhika Puttagunta

Forschungsgruppenleiterin (Forschungsgruppe Neuroregeneration)

Ärztlicher / Beruflicher Werdegang

seit 2016

Gruppenleiterin der Experimentellen Paraplegiologie / Neuroregeneration, Klinik für Paraplegiologie des Departments Orthopädie, Unfallchirurgie und Paraplegiologie, des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg

2014 – 2016

Klassenkoordinatorin und Dozentin, “Neuroregeneration and Neuro-tissue engineering”, Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience, Universität Tübingen

2014 – 2016

Stellv. Gruppenleiterin und Ober-Postdoktorandin, Laboratory for NeuroRegeneration and Repair, Hertie Institut für Hirnforschung, Universität Tübingen

2007 – 2013

Postdoktorandin, Laboratory for NeuroRegeneration and Repair, Hertie Institut für Hirnforschung, Universität Tübingen

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

seit 2017

Baden-Württemberg Zertifikat für Hochschuldiddaktik

2002 – 2006

Dissertation in Genetik an der University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; PhD, Prof. Tomas Prolla:

“The role of mitochondrial heat shock protein 70kD in mammalian stress resistance”

1999 – 2002

Studium der Genetik an der University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; M.Sc

2002  Lehrbescheinigung in Undergraduate Education from the Teaching and Learning Scholarship program, Universität von Wisconsin-Madison, USA

1994 – 1998

Studium der Molekularen Zellbiologie an der University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA; B.Sc und M.Sc


seit August 2018

Olympia Morata Programme Medical Faculty Fellowship


Society for Neuroscience


seit 2015

SFB1158Pain: Von der Nozizeption zum chronischen Schmerz: Struktur-Funktions-Merkmale neuraler Bahnen und deren Reorganisation, A06 Funktionelle und strukturelle Plastizität nach Rückenmarksverletzungen und deren Beitrag zur Entstehung neuropathischer Schmerzen (Human-Tiermodell Tandem)

2018 – 2021

DFG: Modifikation und Transplantation anisotroper Kapillarengele für die gerichtete Regeneration nach Verletzungen des Rückenmarks

Wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte

Regeneration im zentralen und peripheren Nervensystem


Neuronale Programme für axonales Wachstum

Zelltransplantation mit Neurotrophe Faktoren und Gentherapie


Mechanismen neuropathischer Schmerzen nach spinalem Trauma


Kennzahlen Google Scholar vom 15.04.2019:

Zitate: 697; h-index: 11; i10-index: 11

Hervera A, Zhou L, Palmisano I, McLachlan E, Kong G, Hutson TH, Danzi MC, Lemmon VP, Bixby JL, Matamoros-Angles A, Forsberg K, De Virgiliis F, Matheos DP, Kwapis J, Wood MA, Puttagunta R, Del Río JA, Di Giovanni S. (2019) PP4-dependent HDAC3 dephosphorylation discriminates between axonal regeneration and regenerative failure. EMBO J.  May 22. doi: 10.15252/embj.2018101032.

Schackel T., Kumar P., Günther M., Liu S., Brunner M., Sandner B., Puttagunta R., Müller R., Weidner N. and Blesch A. (2018) Peptides and Astroglia Improve the Regenerative Capacity of Alginate Gels in the Injured Spinal Cord. Tissue Eng Part A. Dec 28. [Epub ahead of print] Link to article.

Sliwinski C., Nees T.A., Puttagunta R., Weidner N. and Blesch A. (2018) Sensorimotor Activity Partially Ameliorates Pain and Reduces Nociceptive Fiber Density in the Chronically Injured Spinal Cord. J Neurotrauma. Sep 15;35(18):2222-2238. Link to article.

Sandner B., Puttagunta R., Motsch M., Bradke F., Ruschel J., Blesch A. and Weidner N. (2018) Systemic epothilone D improves hindlimb function after spinal cord contusion injury in rats. Exp Neurol. Aug;306:250-259. Link to article.

Lou W.P., Mateos A., Koch M., Klussman S., Yang C., Lu N., Kumar S., Limpert S., Göpferich M., Zschaetzsch M., Sliwinski C., Kenzelmann M., Seedorf M., Maillo C., Senis E., Grimm D., Puttagunta R., Mendez R., Liu K., Hassan B.A. and Martin-Villalba A. (2018) Regulation of Adult CNS Axonal Regeneration by the Post-transcriptional Regulator Cpeb1. Front Mol Neurosci. Jan 12;10:445. Link to article.

Liu S., Schackel T., Weidner N. and Puttagunta R. (2018) Biomaterial-Supported Cell Transplantation Treatments for Spinal Cord Injury: Challenges and Perspectives. Front Cell Neurosci. Jan 11;11:430. Link to article.

Liu S, Sandner B, Schackel T, Nicholson L, Chtarto A, Tenenbaum L, Puttagunta R, Müller R, Weidner N, Blesch A. (2017) Regulated viral BDNF delivery in combination with Schwann cells promotes axonal regeneration through capillary alginate hydrogels after spinal cord injury. Acta Biomater. Sep 15;60:167-180. Link to article.

Joshi Y.$, Soria M.$, Quadrato G., Inak G., Zhou L., Hervera A., Rathore K., Elnagger M., Cucchiarini M., Marine J., Puttagunta R. and Di Giovanni S. (2015). The MDM4/MDM2-p53-IGF1 axis controls axonal regeneration, sprouting and functional recovery after CNS injury. Brain, Jul;138(Pt 7):1843-62. Link to article.

Lindner R., Puttagunta R., Nguyen T. and Di Giovanni S. (2014). DNA methylation temporal profiling following peripheral versus central nervous system axotomy. Scientific Data 1. Article number 140038. ​Link to article.

Puttagunta R.$, Tedeschi A.$, Soria M.G., Hervera A., Lindner R., Rathore K.I., Gaub P., Joshi Y., Nguyen T., Schmandke A., Laskowski C.J., Boutillier A.-L., Bradke F. and Di Giovanni S. (2014). PCAF-dependent epigenetic changes promote axonal regeneration in the central nervous system. Nature Communications 5: 3527. Link to article.

Lindner R., Puttagunta R. and Di Giovanni S. (2013). Epigenetic regulation of axon outgrowth and regeneration in CNS injury: the first steps forward. Neurotherapeutics. 10(4): 771-81. . Link to article.

Puttagunta R. and Di Giovanni S. (2011). Retinoic acid signaling in axonal regeneration. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 4: 59. Link to article.

Puttagunta R., Schmandke A., Floriddia E., Gaub P., Fomin N., Ghyselinck N. and Di Giovanni S. (2011). RA-RARß counteracts myelin-dependent inhibition of neurite outgrowth via Lingo-1 repression. The Journal of Cell Biology. 193(7): 1147-56. Link to article.

Gaub P., Tedeschi A., Puttagunta R., Nguyen T., Schmandke A. and Di Giovanni S. (2010). HDAC inhibition promotes neuronal outgrowth and counteracts growth cone collapse through CBP/p300 and P/CAF-dependent p53 acetylation. Cell Death and Differentiation. 17(9): 1392-408. Link to article.

Tedeschi A., Nguyen T., Puttagunta R., Gaub P. and Di Giovanni S. (2009). A p53-CBP/p300 transcription module is required for GAP-43 expression, axon outgrowth, and regeneration. Cell Death and Differentiation. 16(4): 543-54. Link to article.

Bomar J.M., Benke P.J., Slattery E.L., Puttagunta R., Taylor L.P., Seong E., Nystuen A., Chen W., Albin R.L., Patel P.D., Kittles R.A., Sheffield V.C. and Burmeister M. (2003). Mutations in a novel gene encoding a CRAL-TRIO domain cause human Cayman ataxia and ataxia/dystonia in the jittery mouse. Nature Genetics. 35(3): 264-9. Link to article.

Puttagunta R., Gordon L.A., Meyer G.E., Kapfhamer D., Lamerdin J.E., Kantheti P., Portman K.M., Chung W.K., Jenne D.E., Olsen AS. and Burmeister M. (2000). Comparative maps of human 19p13.3 and mouse chromosome 10 allow identification of sequences at evolutionary breakpoints. Genome Research. 10(9): 1369-80. Link to article.

Gutachtertätigkeit für Fachzeitschriften

Medical Research Council (MRC) of the UK Research and Innovation

Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP), China

3 Biotech

Cell Transplantation


FEBS Letters

Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis


Scientific Reports


Spinal Cord

Forschungssekretariat Klinik für Paraplegiologie

  • Portrait von Ursula Wey

    Ursula Wey



    Sekretariat experimentelle Paraplegiologie und Oberärzte Paraplegiologie

    06221 56-34851
    06221 56-33598