Prof. Dr. med. Knut Schäkel
Leitender Oberarzt
Leitender Oberarzt
(Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für chronisch entzündliche Erkrankungen (IZEH))
Ärztliche Leitung
Ärztliche Leitung
(AG Prof. Dr. med. K. Schäkel)
(SFB 938)
Ärztliche Leitung
Ärztlicher / Beruflicher Werdegang
- seit 2009
Professor “Immunodermatology”, Assistant Medical Director, Dep. of Dermatology, University Hospital, Heidelberg (Prof. A. Enk)
- 2009
Professor “Allergy and Dermatologic Immunotherapy”, Department of Dermatology, University Hospital, Dresden
- 2008
Consultant Immunologist, German Society of Immunology
- 2004
Consultant, Dept. Dermatology
- 2003
Board certified in Dermatology and board certified in Allergology
- 2000 – 2003
Residency, Dept. of Dermatology (Prof. M. Meurer) and Research Fellow Institute of Immunology, Dresden
- 1995 – 2000
Postdoc, Institute of Immunology, Medical Faculty, Dresden, (Prof. E.P. Rieber)
- 1993 – 1995
Residency, Dept. of Dermatology, University Hospital, Göttingen (Prof. Ch. Neumann)
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
- 2005
Habilitation Immunology; Venia legendi Dermatology (supervised by Prof. E.P. Rieber)
- 1993
Doctor of Medicine, Medical School Hannover (supervised by Prof. W. Müller)
- 1990 – 1991
Predoc, Infectious Diseases, SUNY at Buffalo, New York, USA (Prof. P.L. Ogra)
- 2010
Champion Novartis Research Prize
- seit 2008
Member of the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum (CIA)
- 2007
Karl-Hansen Award of the German Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- 2005 – 2009
Member of the DFG-Research Center “Center of Regenerative Therapies Dresden“
- 2003 – 2006
Senator of the Technical University Dresden